As a player since early access, I love all the work Funcom has put into this game. Every time they drop new content I can’t wait to try it out and make a new build themed on new content. One thing I wish would be changed is that when I equip an army of thralls in a new armor set, that it sometimes gives bonuses to either grit or encumbrance. I love these armors for my character and find them very useful, but on a thrall, I feel like I am choosing to forgo bonus stats for theme and style. Would connecting these unused bonuses to a different stat work for thralls? Such as tying grit to vitality or encumbrance to strength?
We still want a system where you can define the attribute bonus of an armor piece by choosing a padding: Padding of Strength, Padding of Agility, Padding of Vitality and so on.
I would love to see something done for thralls armor to make those useless stats have some kind of use.
In a perfect world I’d love a detailed transmogrification system allowing us to make armor with different attributes, but I have seen some people who are against it.
We have all these awesome armors, but we can only wear one at a time, so being able to give them to thralls is quite important for me. I have a really hard time giving them armor that has stat bonuses they can’t benefit from at all
“We” do? I don’t! And especially not via paddings! That would suck IMHO!
Mmm, I’m not sure about that. ESO has that… yeeeeah, that doesn’t seem like a good fit for Conan. I like the body paint system we already have - /that/ makes MUCH more sense in this game. We are already way overpowered in this game by the time we hit Level 60 and have completed even half of the vaults.
I never tried putting body paint on a thrall so I dunno if that’s a thing… But thralls too are already OP by the time they hit even level 10. With a level 1~9 T1 Thrall you must exercise strategy to keep them alive in a fight. With a level >10 T3 thrall you can just sit and watch stupidly on the sidelines and your thrall will always win - even with 80 or 90%s of the bosses. So why would you want extra strengths and abilities for thralls when they are already nearly god like?
I don’t play PvP much however, so, maybe that’s different? Seems like it isn’t though.
I think you may have missed the point of what’s being suggested, particularly as relates to thralls. It’s not about adding extra power, it’s about being able to put them in different looking armor. Currently ‘all’ thralls (yeah, obviously not all, but a heck of a lot) end up wearing either heavy strength armour or heavy vitality armour, because that’s generally going to be the most advantageous. The result is that a lot of cool looking armour winds up ignored and unused (because it has the ‘wrong’ stat bonuses). As far as I can tell, all that’s really being suggested is having the ability to re-skin armour by one means or another, or, going the other way, to be able to make armour with whichever stat bonus is preferred. Usually these suggestions are just about being able to use a wider variety of appearances without having to sacrifice protection/stat benefits.
Normally, the objection to this comes from PVP - some players would prefer to be able to know what stats a thrall or player has raised by their armour. Other PVPers don’t mind so much and question how much difference that information actually makes.
Personally, I’m in favour of re-skinning as a core game option (I already use mods (ie Fashionist) that allow this, but it would be good for console players to have a chance) I’m not sure I see an objection from the PVE side (I may be wrong, just not seeing it ), so long as it’s not changing anything in the outcome, re-skinning seems fine to me.
Oh, I see. Yeah I missed the point I guess. So the padding would determine Heavy, Medium or Light… I /guess/ I could get behind that - not attributes though. And it seems there ought to be a better solution than that. Right, a light robe offering heavy armor class protection?? Maybe Funcom could just add a buttload more armor styles? Aren’t there quite a few races that we can’t make their armor style of? -=shrug=-
Hmm, I haven’t tried to use any plug-ins yet, not even sure where to get them, but maybe Funcom could add something like that then? Like a magic potion (LOL) that allowed you to appear different than you actually look - again calling back to ESO as having a few features like that.
Yes We. Me and my friends. You feel important enough to include yourself?
It’s still only a suggestion. But this doesn’t matter because this toxic forum will destroy the game even more.
I don’t think this forum is toxic. I’ve been reading here for something like 6 months and lately even participating. There are WAY too many lame suggestions. There are probably too many folks looking for a sympathetic crying towel. But toxicity, I’m not seeing it.
There are a few pointed jabs now and then… like:
But those are safely ignored and soon forgotten.
Try to bring PvP into focus and you’ll see.
Because 90% of the players don’t play PvP and when a PvP suggestion comes up here on the Forums it gets rejected like it’s something terribly ugly. “Don’t do PvP changes because it negatively affects my PvE gameplay”
Oh, well that seems more like “majority rule” than toxicity.
To be honest I haven’t really noticed that either. Sometime commenters overlook the pros and cons of PVP suggestions because they’re a PVE player and vice-versa, but more often than not someone points out what the suggestion would mean for both play-styles later in the thread. This thread is a good example of that with me as the dunce.
I just think it’s hard to come up with suggestions that take both into proper consideration - especially when so many suggestions are coming from non-developers and/or new players.
By making a statement on a public forum simply stating “we still want” you at no point indicate that only a specific select few people that you personally know. You indicate that “WE” the community on the forum in general still want. That would include @TeleTesselator . So it is NOT a sense of them feeling “important enough” to include themselves. YOU included them, and everyone else by your own poor use of wording. And your statement was still garbage because WE do not want your rubbish idea. So instead of getting all pissy with TeleTesselator, perhaps you should reflect on your own lack of communication skills.
And you yourself are a prime example of the toxic forum user. Look at basically every thread you ever post in. You do nothing but add toxicity to it. Hurl insults and slander, hostility to anything and anyone who doesn’t 100% agree with you. The very definition of toxic.
Or if you actually bothered to READ any of the post you would actually see the case is, don’t do THAT SPECIFIC change and here is the reason WHY AND HOW it will negatively effect EVERY OTHER GAME MODE in the game. But, to you every other player in PVE-C, PVE, and SOLO are worthless and should have no opinion because “they don’t understand PvP”. Now, when we suggest ways to alter the suggestion to make it so it will still improve PvP and NOT effect the other game modes YOU are the one to reject it.
This isn’t what I was asking for at least. Armor types ( ie light/medium/heavy) would remain unchanged. It would simply allow you to give a different attribute bonus to an armor set.
These wouldn’t be higher than the bonus the armors already have, and they wouldn’t make you or your thrall more powerful, the purpose is to allow more flexibility with appearance without having to sacrifice efficiency.
This is especially important for armor for thralls, as thralls literally do not have grit or endurance stats, so armors that boost those attributes are not useful for thralls.
It’s really just a vanity issue, as it just lets players use all the cool looking DLC armors on their thralls without having to sacrifice stats
I love these armors for my character and find them very useful, but on a thrall, I feel like I am choosing to forgo bonus stats for theme and style. Would connecting these unused bonuses to a different stat work for thralls? Such as tying grit to vitality or encumbrance to strength?
I would love to see something done for thralls armor to make those useless stats have some kind of use.
In a perfect world I’d love a detailed transmogrification system allowing us to make armor with different attributes
Yeah, I got sidetracked with @AxeIsAnnoying 's padding injection. Sorry about that - bit of an unneeded hijack there.
Well, what would we think about War Paints (body paints) for Thralls that either overrode the armor’s attributes or added about as much as an armor set did? I guess we wouldn’t be able to split the attributes up like you could if legs, feet were one attribute and head, chest and hands were another but…
I dunno, trying to get back on topic at least.
Hmmm, looks like we can already equip War Paint onto thralls…
It works… Maybe not as virulent as some armor sets and fairly expensive but here’s Ulric with the one for accuracy added on bringing him to +6…
Thanks for the tip I have installed some different paint,s on thralls but not to increase stats just playing around with the decorative ones how long does it last?
I believe it lasts the same as on a player. I’m pretty sure I’ve used warpaint on both myself and a thrall in the past and they ran out more or less the same point.
But thralls too are already OP by the time they hit even level 10. With a level 1~9 T1 Thrall you must exercise strategy to keep them alive in a fight. With a level >10 T3 thrall you can just sit and watch stupidly on the sidelines and your thrall will always win - even with 80 or 90%s of the bosses. So why would you want extra strengths and abilities for thralls when they are already nearly god like?
I agree with that; causing armor to lose its stat value would make it obsolete and unnecessary.
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