More potent Compost for special zombies from shallow grave

Is there a way to make it so that only potent compost can raise a special zombie? I don’t care if the grave will expire. Special zombies could be regular zombies with extra skills or extra defenses.

It is intended that potent compost may take time and extra bodies to produce in stall. I believe it has more uses. (It won’t RNG your greaters.)


I was just thinking [I wish there was a way to raise other type of zombies] Like the old witch doctor recipes. This could be a cool way of doing that.

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Don’t Zombies already differ if you are using an Exile I or say a Lian?
First ist weak, second much stronger? Meaning you can very much affect the outcome?

Such “gifts” were RNG. I think you want, like me, to trade crom coins for levels, skills, or knowledge.

Correct! Now the cimmerian berserker is the best Zombie, not the best thrall anymore! So if you want really good zombies farm cimmerian berserkers!

Now, about the suggestion of potent compost to better zombies, why not? For pve it is cool, are you sure you want this on pvp, a skilled zombie that might one shot you?

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I haven’t found that true. In fact, my best zombie came from a T1 exile.

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If they don’t glitch or gank, then it seems fun. I’m not paranoid about it.

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I did, it’s a fact. I have a teammate on 8006, @Kazalakis that loved all this zombie thing, I don’t! He was the one to teach me this detail. He was making black corsair zombies with low hp and then he placed a berserker and had over 6k hp. So he kept farming berserkers for this reason! Of course after a couple of days the zombies decay, so all this effort for what? I do understand the pros and cons of the zombie following system, I just don’t funcy it :man_shrugging:. But I believe that a lot of people do and they would love to have more op zombies, especially the ones that love to war party! I don’t.

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Use the reroll potion. i had T2s getting 9,000+hp.


I miss my boney bois and glowin’ gals. (Wraiths are not gendered in-game, but the alliteration sticks)

Can someone give a reason why potent compost would produce a better breed of zombie? I can see demon blood or corrupted stone (actually why wasn’t the corrupted stone used on more sorcery to begin with? Seems to be a perfect match)


Because this is what @Dzonatas think to suggest :grinning:.
It’s a good enough reason for me if you ask :wink:.
@biggcane55 thank you for this tip, @Kazalakis will be very happy with this one :wink:. Thanks a million m8 :+1:t6:.

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Because it ups the scarcity of the specific compost, and it is not generic.

The idea started with having to make potent compost to get some seeds to grow. The mechanic is already implemented. :+1: :wink:

Qhat about using corrupted dust? Item still in gane, just not used as gar as i know (undead followers removed)

This logic however could work differently, for example to raize wraiths and not zombies! Right now the witches hunting starts, isn’t it? So imagine later on to be able to knock down a witch and summon a wraith… Omg, it would be awesome, with this I see me going in to this summoning thing deeply! I want wraiths to buff me and debuf the enemy, or casting bleeding, poisoning, sunder etc, I don’t want them to fight!

I think it was deprecated.

Good for diversity… different types of summons.

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