I have done a check on all my bases (still g-portal, private, pve, no mods server).
Can confirm that absolutely all cupboards/chest/armorers that disappeared with the patch were placed on triangular foundations. No exception.
Bug: The Advanced weapon skill ‘Halfmaker’ which is related to spears no longer crafts to component needed to make spears. The spear recipes (from what I have tested) now require the ‘Spear Handle’ which is made by the thrown weapon crafting ‘Shaftmaker’, rather than the ‘Long Handle’ which is part of the core skill.
This was not the case prior to the patch. Though I see the logic following the naming convention, you should be able to make the components needed for the related weapon as part of the skill that gives you access to those weapons. (as it was pre-patch) Perhaps the thrown spear handle should be a ‘light handle’ rather than ‘spear handle’?
Edit: This is affecting the star metal spear, serpentman spear, dragonbone spear. It is not affecting all two handed spears. It does not affect the Khitan spear or obsidian spear.
Happened to me exactly as you say. Had to break foundations to scape. And I´ve lost many thralls.
lotus potions are not bugged. They just have a 2 minute expiration timer.
If I log out standing inside my building, Im stuck in a foundation when I log back in. Journey resets on every log in, have to kill yourself to restore, log out, back to Climb, Eat, Drink. Repeat. Cannot see body to reclaim items on death. Some intermittent Cupboards, Chests, Blacksmiths, Fluid Press etc disppeared completely, not destroyed. Vertical and Diagonal Support beams now completely Decorative (not a bug it appears) but still really pissed me off considering i had a lot of stuff supported by them. Very unhappy.
You may be right with this as a rule. My concern is that the players who couldn’t see the storm claimed they were taking damage from it.
They are bugged! You make it and 30 secs later it is gone! Has to do with the fast timer bug that goes with food and drink. Yes the potion does have a 2 min timer. But it isnt working right.
BTW, swimming still consumes stamina. So add that back to the list of bugs to fix in the next patch.
I should mention this is on Official 1504 server. Also, my torch was full at 20 minutes and it ran out in 2 minutes real time.
SERVER TYPE: Private / NO WIPE x3 Harvest / MAX 70 players
REGION: EU / Spain
Here are the issues and problems I have seen that this patch not fixed or added as a new bug, also I put a mark for the level of need to be fixed (MAX LVL +++ fix asap!!!) (MEDIUM LVL++) (MIN +):
-A lot of lag, loading times on textures and structures on relative large player buildings. (+++)
-Overall performance seems to be more or less the same -With spikes but running good most of the time unless on large structures-. -
-Items vanished, a chest full of crafting resources, a crafting station, their content and their thrall. (+++)
-Lotus potion disappear from the container they were before (+)
-When connected to the server I appear under the floor of my house. Need to destroy the floor to get unstuck. (+++)
-Beri -named/ legendary blacksmith- doesn’t have the recipe for creating reparation kit for legendary weapons. (++)
-I cannot place almost anywhere the spike walls. It says it collides with another terrain object. (+++)
-Duration of consumables -food, torch- is broken -way to fast- (+++)
-Map markers disappear (After death it go as they were before)
-Journal resets (After death the progress is restored)
-The weapons and shield racks are useless (For me doesn’t show an inventory to put anything)(+)
-Thirsty and Hunger meters go down faster -intended?- (++)
-Temperature status seems to be at much higher rates everywhere now -intended?- -
-AI of thralls is horribly inconsistent, don’t exist, they are like mannequins. They constantly unequip weapons, don’t move well, don’t attack, don’t agro. They do nothing. (+++)
-Placeable thralls -fighters, carriers, performers, dancers, archers- fall under they were before, some of them getting stuck on floors, walls or items (+++)
-Enemies stuck on the ground, falling under the ground, mostly the ones with big horns or bodies -like rhinos-. (+++)
The thing you should focus on ASAP is the AI for thralls, they are so broken and useless. All placeable thralls (dancers, performers, archers, fighters, carriers) are broken. Enemies AI also need to be revamped.
As someone commented that the spawn rate for legendary/ named NPCs is so high, for me is OK. For example on The Den before the patch, I wasn’t able to get legendary armorer or smelter before, and I went there almost 30 times.
Yeah this really ticks me off because my brother and a friend went to kill the Devil in iron for the first time 2 days ago. when we got back to base I was able to make the gloves and the helm but now because I need star metal I cant. we havent even seem that yet. >_<
Update from an Official PVP Server for the NPC / AI Behaviour Bug:
It’s gone since 3-4 hrs, the AI is now moving correctly and attacking from itself again.
They a bit like evolved from standing there, to, atleast looking into player direction, afterwards moving into their direction but loosing quickly focus, to, normal attack and charge to player in the timeframe of the last couple hours
Even though I have “Containers ignore ownership” checked off and true in my server files no one can access the crafting benches.
Walls and fence foundations still don’t snap onto foundations for journeyman and master mason building blocks… apprentice mason, walls snap to foundation blocks but not fence foundations.
I have a question, do you guys actually test stuff properly before saying what is fixed in the patch?
Fence foundations SHOULD be attachable to regular Foundations and Wedge Foundations
or does it mean if you use the word SHOULD that it doesn’t have to be tested because you merely think something MIGHT have been fixed but wasn’t actually looked at all…
How the hell did you break everything with this patch?
-Starmetal ore can’t be farmed right now
-character preview missing
-Warpaint lasts no time at all yet costs as much as 1-2 bombs to make (not a bug I assume, but not worth it now)
Nope happens to me too and i have t3 back ice foundations
Good job Funcom! Now not only do thralls on follow still sink through foundations as they have been since the big pre-release patch in April but now many thralls standing still do so as well! Good job…FFS, what a sht show.
I say STOP FUNCOM WITH YOUR MATERIALS. That’s enough, already the ice picks are boring to them and now you’re doing the same thing for the obsidian pick. But stop, that’s enough. I spend more time looking for materials for my pick and weapons than doing my build. So Funcom you are nice but STOP. First try to solve the game’s problems instead of annoying people with your s**** materials (obsidian bars). It was great before, we could farm without going through the box “volcano”, and then there is the fall. If I find the idiot who said “guys we’re going to put obsidian bars to piss off people,” I’ll tell him he stops his job and stops drinking.
So what is going to be done about the griefing that has already occured. Sure now people can’t build around obelisks now, but I still can’t attune near Sempuru because there is a huge wall with an anti-climb fence at the top and it’s a PvE server so no way to destroy. You really need to think these things through better Funcom. Hire better tester who will actually test for exploits and ways to grief. I want to be able to attune!!!
Well, what can one say? Everytime I recommend Conan Exiles to a friend funcom does something that brakes the game even further… let’s see:
Markings on the map and journal steps are gone.
Thralls fall through the floor if you alter your base or demolish something (I guess this was supoused to fix the weird bug in PVP in which you destroy your enemy’s base and the thralls stay floating in the air, but it clearly needs further testing).
Horrid blur around the character when moving (who did this and why?).
Character model is gone from inventory.
Random time for items (torch when from 3:00, to 1:45, to 38, to 5, to broken in a matter of seconds…)
Non functioning NPCs (Enemies DO NOT attack, and if you attack them, they have inconsistent AGRO, they follow you for a couple of meters, then stop by you and stand there doing nothing)
In other words, this is way past the “unplayable” mark. At it current state conan exiles is simply not a video game in any shape or form… more like a graphical showcase without any playable aspect.
The only 2 things that put a smile on my face from this patch, was the main menu animation and the new animation when you finish climbing something…
I love this game, been here since day 1 of early access, invite 5 of my friends to buy it (only 1 besides me keeps playing it…), and I have recommended it to all the people I know. But funcom keeps getting things wrong.
To my friends at funcom: Please, if any company is reaching to you offering Quality Assurance, Costumer Service, or any other kind of help (3D modeling, lore writing, consulting, coding… ANYTHING) please take it!
This is just an excersice in greed, you guys are doing this game 100% in-house, and you clearly DO NOT HAVE the man power to keep it alive. This game is bigger than you anticipated, you just cannot keep going about like you have in past projects. I saddens me to see the Steam score going donw bit by bit as the days pass. You are a greeat team of profesionales with a beloved licence, and a huge fan base right now. Don’t let greed blind you of your comitmment to your costumers and fans. Get more people, get help, outsource some things (Specially Quality Assurance and Costumer Service) while your core team work in bug fixing and new content (or the other way around).
This game have the potential to be a great live service, but you keep making the same mistakes that you did back in early access. the game is out, and you guys CANNOT have this kind of mistakes at this point.
Please funcom, change your strategy, if the “all in house” strategy is not working out GET HELP! after the 1.4 millions copies that you keep remainding us that you made with this game, I’m sure budget is not the issue here.
Best of regards and sorry for my bad english.