Multiple Altars for the gods

I’m curious if anything actually happens with multiple Altars being in the same area?

The Fandom site says on the religion page - “The gods are jealous beings and do not allow their respective altars to be placed too close to each other, so it may be necessary to defend a large area when worshipping multiple gods.” - is that just random or does something happen. :laughing:

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Nothing happens, it’s just lore explanation of those placement restrictions. Before it could have something to do with the color beams which were removed later.

Anyways, in my opinion no one needs to have all altars “just because”, so everyone sees me on the map. :smiley: Feels like some kind of compensation to me, not to mention unnecessary landclaim without any real purpose.

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Pretty much as @Archivist said. The only real impact is that the altars can’t be placed right next to each other. It does make sense though. Especially for a pair that are completely at odds with each other, like Mitra and Set. Neither of them would be very happy to have their altars of worship touching each other.


Alright, figured to make sure. :joy:

I play solo, so not really worried about it being an issue with map markers…

Someone on my official siptah server has built a massive base and used about 15-20 yog shrines for decor I guess. Ironically, they were already suspended about two years ago after locking one my clanmates out of our base when they built right next to us. He would crash on loading in. This person doesn’t know English, nor do they know how to build conservatively. :roll_eyes: I let them be right now since they’re not in a location I’ve been frequenting, but I’ll likely report them at some point again if it becomes an issue.

land claim, that is pretty


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