I logged in this morning…and my beautiful base on an official PVE-C server was admin wiped. I’ve been playing day 1 since Siptah release (even longer on Exlies map, but I took a year break.) I feel this was in retaliation by a new clan over a PVP battle during pvp hours a day prior. I filed a support ticket…but I fear all my hard work is gone forever…unless Funcom does server rollbacks on officials. RIP my base…and I also included a video clip of the battle that caused a clan to report and Funcom to admin wipe me.
I’m pretty sure it probably was removed due to the massive sprawling land claim which is against official servers’ TOS, not “salty noobs”
I 100% disagree. I only claimed a modest amount of land for my base, and made an elegant elevator for God Shrines.
There is none of that in his pictures. If youve seen his stuff online, then ok, but by the pictures, its not spam in any way shape or form.
IF by some odd chance it is, then every base ever built is spam.
Thanks for the kind words. It was quite the blow to see ~seven months worth of work just GONE. I highly suspect the clan I was battling in that video reported me for something…and then Funcom went scorched earth on me. Sigh…
If someone turned u in it had to be from a long time ago. It takes funcom weeks to months to do anything if they do anything at all from a ticket.
Funcom doesn’t investigate reports until after they wipe a base and the owners of that base file a complaint. Seems like a completely backwards way of handling these issues imo. It’s like if we sentenced people to prison before giving them a trial just because someone made an accusation.
Used to now it is like 2 days,its part of the new pvp meta, transfer with DP from dead server with alt, raid all small bases, report all big ones, bodyvault, transfer out or make home server when dead, rinse repeat.
First of all that OP is to be commended on showing images and being completely up front! That’s rare and for people trying to get a handle on the newly enforced ToS, extremely useful!
So, thank you @powellful !!!
Yep, absolutely correct. Every picture shows not only that but also building way too close to that Undead Pirate camp. That people are disagreeing with this is somewhat bizarre.
If I were adminning that server under FC’s official rules that base would be gone in a flash! No questions about it.
The mods, admins and devs here in this forum have repeatedly indicated that this is NOT actually true. I wonder who I should believe?
Probably this.
By their own words, it took 7 months to build. In the last 7 hours I just fixed three characters’ worth of builds (a mod potentially is about to break, so some large builds needed to be fixed up). This included pulling up foundations and walls and roofs.
These builds would have been large enough (in area) to be bannable in officials.
Judging from the screenshots it’s a 25x25 square (more or less), plus the staircase/pen and the bridge… which doesn’t seem that big. I’ve seen far worse offenders.
All the shrines however, that’s a sizeable claim, I imagine that’s what got you the wipe.
How many different bases of significant size? Individually they are not bad and look spetacular. However 5 of them? Yeah that is sprall.
Yeah, all the stuff littered across that desert area…
I’m betting that if he had all that inside his 28x29 base AND was about 500 meters farther from the undead pirate camp, the admin would have passed on the demolition - however they came across it (either by player complaint, or just surfing the server).
I can’t profess innocents though. I’ve built bigger and more sprawling complexes on officials myself. But I always take them down after 2 weeks or so - then go months before I do it again. I’m no longer doing that now with the new enforcement policies though - I wouldn’t care about loosing all my progress - it’s a game, but I wouldn’t want to be banned - or perma-banned if it happened a second time.
Nonesense. If he would have put all shrines in that tiny area of his base, it would have lagged so hardly, the base would have been removed by admins do to causing lag.
No matter what you do on official right now, you can´t win. Your buildings will get deleted at some point, its just a matter of time. Big or small makes no difference, because your base is part of the core problem of the game and how can it not? And this is a fact. People need a reality check. Conan has severe server stability issues since forever. In the begining bases where small in pve and pvp, but still the lag was there and noticable. And during raidtimes in the evenings, it was sometimes barely playable and we don´t talk about mega bases. So the problem was already there, even back then. It comes from the code itself. But since then the game got a lot bigger, got a lot of additional content and also dlc´s, got several overhauls to make the game handle all that content better, but in the end its just a patch on a big wound that got infected and never heals. And the players paying the price now. The Tos is nothing but a patch. A patch that doesn´t work, because it simply can´t. How can it? How can a server handle 40 people active playing when it barely handles 20. You can even buy a g-portal server, join alone and experience the lag when you run into npc camps and watch animal behaviour. Without building anything, without playing with others. Yes, its better lag then playing on officials with 10 or 20 people, without having the server load in bases, inventorys etc. But netherless, the lag is real and it is a hugh hugh problem. A problem that Funcom is not able to solve.
Despite the fact, that bases need a certain size now, because of all the workstations and altars there are, the constant lags on official servers make it impossible for you not to cause aditional lag on top of the already existing performance issues. You can build as small as you want and still you will cause lag, for the server and others, and therefore your base will get wiped. And to reason that, its eather the size of your base, or the location, or the block of a ressource spawn or whatever else they can come up with now.
At the end you can provide as much pictures and video evidence as you want. You will always be the culprit in the eyes of some in this community. Because its easier to blame you, the player for a misconduct, then facing the reality that the company you bought a loved game from is not able to fix their game.
Or you could get a better server host for a cheaper cost. Or no cost at all.
The difference between G-Portal and other hosts is others don’t jam as many servers on one machine. Serverblend, GTX Gaming, Low.ms, Pingperfect, and others all do fine. But if you want a 70/70+ server with mods, you can even go with a decent setup using a spare PC around the house. The server software is free open to anyone without any purchase.
Sorry, but what you said is absolutely false. Servers run fine if you don’t try to run dozens of them on a single machine. But then again, you knew that already.
The reality of the situation is posts like this aren’t taken seriously. Sorry but you’ve been here for years saying the game is broke, funcom can’t do anything, but you’re still here.
You want us to believe you’re some poor player who has been here for the better part of Thirty-six to Forty-eight months logging in, staring at a broken game you can’t play or enjoy for thousands of hours. All the while being abused by a company you don’t trust or have any confidence in.
This is akin to eating at a restaurant every day for years, knowing they are spitting in your food, but you bear it because the sauce is somewhat nice. I’m sorry I don’t buy that.
I’ve seen this sentiment in every game. People play it, have hundreds-thousands of hours played. Won’t stop playing. Actually enjoy the game (I do believe you all do) but somehow have to bash the company. It doesn’t matter how good the experience or flawless it is. Something will be ‘broken’ enough to bash the company. Its just a cultural thing, for some reason you all have to bash them to feel validated for actually enjoying the game and jump on this bandwagon to do it. I’m not going to go into much more detail in to why that is because such things are beyond the scope of these forums.
But effectively its a farce. Most of these complaints are exaggerated. This idea that the game is beyond broken but they love it anyway is tired, old, and worn out.
And you’ll prove I’m right. All we have to do is look at this statement:
Anyone actually believing this would have jumped ship (some actually have, but they don’t post about it normally, course when they do, they get flak from these individuals about it). But will this poster continue to play on officials? Absolutely. He doesn’t believe the words that he’s been quoted as saying.
Well I can’t prove it, but it sure seems that way from all of the complaints and lack of explanations or warnings from Funcom lol.
I just don’t think you should take what all those people are saying at face value. Are there a small set of people that were probably not fairly admin wiped? Probably. The vast majority? Probably not.
Would you rather we go back to when the public servers weren’t moderated at all?
I’m a highly skeptical person in general, but I’m also reasonable. I do not take what anyone says at face value and that includes Funcom
Can u explain how this done. All I know is a zendesk ticket.Thanks
Thing is, all the buildings in the pictures arent even that big…it doesnt look like many pieces when you add it all up.
You mention the fact he has 5 bases. So? The rules do not specify anything to do with building limits, so if he wants 5 bases, he can. If he wants 20, he can. What we can see from the pictures does not cross any performance lines (that we can see clearly) so who cares how many he has? 40 player server with 3 base each or 10 players with 12 bases each, all works out the same.
Again, if there is more we dont see in the pictures, that could change things.