Half the server lost their bases

official server 1513
people are logging in to find their base just vanished. no matter what clan people are accusing blaming and harassing each other. what’s happening?

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welcome to funcom

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What does it say in their logs, if anything?

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One person on the server claimed the event log showed “foundation destroyed by admin.” not positive thou. but some suspect someone report abused the server and got big clans wiped.

East coast server?

What time did the entry for “foundation destroyed by admin” show as?

My clan lost all our builds today and many benches, placeables, etc. Event log just says everything “lost stability”. I was just on last night working on building my newest base so it’s not a decay timer issue. I don’t understand what happened :disappointed:

Lost stability is usually what you see for an admin wipe.

Generally you won’t know for sure if you’ve been actioned on until server reset next day, at which time you’ll see an in game suspension/ban notice with reason and length of time.

You’ll have to wait until tomorrow to see if that is the case.


oof… okay thanks for the info!


But I am so sorry this happened to those affected.

It will never show destroyed as admin unless it was a character named that with building damage enabled. Or what could be a new exploit.

I hope that everyone is not so quick to blame or accuse each other either, it could be a transient coming through report happy.

Tomorrow will tell more :frowning:

(This is why I do not report, ever, for landclaim)

Ive been called a conspiracy theorist for thinking like that…

Oh it definitely happens XD

Once watched a streamer reporting every base on a popular PVP server and the server was pretty much entirely affected in less than 2 weeks.

Some of you probably overbuilt over the years and broke the guidelines. Sorry but they never rollback or warn when they do this.

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My server is 1727 please send them my way. Maybe they can actually get an admin to investigate.

I swear getting funcom a moderate a server is like a roulette wheel with 2K slots. Take a spin and hope it picks your report.

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This is my server i haven’t been affect but I feel bad for those that were.

May Set be with you :snake:

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I play on 1513 too and had that little tower at Sepermeru made of the Arena and Aesir building supplies. Went to get on and found I was banned for 5 days for land claim abuse. This base was literally a 10x15 area without foundation spam. I was aross from where the ‘Vendetta Factor’ clan that had the giant pyramid. They want to have a fit about giant bases, yet all the stations like animal pens/ wheels. etc have a huge foot print. So I’ll go back to private servers and not worry about it, it is pretty sh*tty what they done to people who I see had giant bases ‘legit’ bases and been there a long time is wrong. Especially Vendetta Clan who I saw would help players and give out thralls and equipment.

What is there you farm from animals that can’t just as easily get in game?

Ask anyone my pet peeve in this game is funcom’s not enforcing the ToC actively or evenly.

Yes, this is PVE, but I can build everything except a temple, on a foot print the size of a map room plus 2 rows. For me the T3 benches are purely ornamental, and not as functional as T2s for some things.

The public servers are a courtesy, as such you agree to follow the rules. Please build on them like you are getting charged by the square foot.

The ToC doesn’t care how long you’ve been on the server.
The ToC shouldn’t care how much you spend in the bazaar.
The ToC doesn’t care how generous or helpful you are.

But we have been down this road so many times it’s a canal now. WE know what the issues are but it’s up to funcom to do something about it. And you can see by how often these threads come up just what they have done, nothing.


I got banned through the 21st for blocking resources? Even if one of my bases was blocking something why would I lose ALL of my bases? That doesn’t make sense to me. Also, I can’t log on to the official server on Isle of Siptah where I play. Does that mean I’m going to lose everything I’ve built over there, too? It’s been a few days since I’ve been on there and I’m afraid everything will decay while I’m banned :pensive:

And if you had gotten a clear warning you’d have dismantled the offending base, right?
Who wouldn’t?

That is one of the issues with the way funcom enforces the ToC. Everyone deserves a clear warning before a ban.

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I’ll be returning to private run servers again just to avoid worrying about the way I build (Which is always within reason). You have to invest to much time to have to worry about this crap. It just reminds me of the incompetence of the ‘Crom Coin Ban’ farce.

When did you last log in?