Game mode: [Singleplayer]
Problem: [Bug]
Region: [Here]
My body keeps dissappearing when I die. It has happened to me 5 times now and each time I loose HOURS of gameplay (I loose entire sets of armor and resources)
It’s becoming MIGHTLY annoying and I don’t see any hint at the developers creating a fix for this bug. I’ve tried all the ideas circulating in the community but none seems to work. I’m gonna keep out of the game for a couple of days because last time I almost crashed my keyboard in anger…
I feel your pain. I lost my corpse for the third time tonight fighting the Witch Queen. Am tired of losing everything. Game is on a bad state. I am done playing a broken game. Heck this was after waiting an entire day to play because my server was not showing up.
That’s just a setting to determine how many death markers can be on the map at once. It doesn’t affect how long your corpse remains. Sounds like anything would be worth a shot though, yeah?
Ok I think I’ve found a fix that works for me. I’ve tried it twice and it seems to work just fine.
The thing is, when my body dissappears I can’t see it, but my stone pick can find it. I go to the exact same spot where I died (even if the marker on the map is a little off, which has happened to me as well) and I start picking the floor till my pick starts to gather human flesh (my own flesh). Once I have completely destroyed the invisible body, A DROP BAG CONTAINING ALL MY STUFF APPEARS!