Love this game, been playing it a lot. Like it so much I 3d modeled my character and printed her. I can’t upload a picture because it’s a new account here but will as soon as I can.
So lets just ramble offtopic a bit then.
So Conan Exiles is my first survivor game (long time gamer, Qauke, Soul Reaver, Slave Zero etc. etc.) I totally, absolutely love this game! Combat is okay (Dark Souls ruined every single third person action game ever by having combat about a lightyear ahead). But the combat is enjoyable in Conan Exiles, it’s not 1 button (Looking at you Arkham).
What I like the most about Conan is:
- Nudity, my character is of course with maxed out breasts, long hair and when I die completely naked.
- Climbing, you can climb everything! She’s like Spider-Man only a woman. I love climbing and sliding down things.
- Thralls, it’s like Pokemon, trying to get the prettiest fair skinned, large chested lady with nice hair and all. Nice voice (some smoke too much).
Anyway if you’re interested in what I made, it’s on my instagram account: plasticpolygonnew
You have to scroll a bit, but I’m pretty sure you can find her. I did my best to resemble the ingame character as much as I could. I will paint her when I have the time.