My first Siptah challenge! Become a sorcerer without feat points!

First of all!
THANKS for the tip of the tome, it worked, no matter if I crushed in the cave… Again :man_shrugging:.

In this challenge I do not say anything about die limit, feel free to die as many times as you wish,
Look @erjoh I died from crashing in an empty cave, how???

I will continue, I have to go back and grab my shiiiit

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Before I start this discussion let me share with you the finish line of this quest!

So this quest is finished properly because of your tip @erjoh, thanks a lot :wink:!

About the building hammer there was no limit how many times you would ask from someone to give it to you!
The point was always to gather all the materials without feat points, without constructions, without crafting except…

I stated also…

That’s why I told you that you helped this quest to end properly!

However the reason I asked for the time of Kurak was this…

I had a tropical rain and I didn’t have internet for several days! When I logged in again after days I find this…

Everything was lost, everything!!!
If it was my fault I would started the quest again, but apparently it wasn’t, don’t you think? That’s why I proceeded to finish the quest. But still I never said (thanks Marcos) that you have a limit of asking others to give you a construction hammer :man_shrugging:.
But again if you are not convinced my friend all you have to do is challenge me to do it all over again and place your own terms to make it more difficult, not impossible, difficult! I am eagerly waiting!

Ps. Please challenge me I need reasons to play :rofl::rofl::rofl:

I could have built the altar, create a clan, invite you and you would have used it. No building at all. But that wouldn’t make the challenge easier. So, it counts as valid in my book.
Wtf did you die? There are no enemies in that cave. I saw a grave at the entrance, but never imagined it was yours.

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Want a challenge? Solo the volary of harpies with a sorcery build. I would love to see that. Let’s get you fighting! :smile:
Better, get all the sigils with a sorcery build and the abysmal gear only.

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I crashed when I took the tome of Kurak! I crushed exactly the time that I took it. You did see where the game spawned my things didn’t you? Almost in front of the cave and I was wtf??? I shouldn’t die either, no reasons to die in there, still the game killed me, go figure :man_shrugging:.
Official servers are acting really weird my friend, that’s why people are coming so frustrated in here.

I noticed. When I crossed the insland, a good while after the storm ended, it was filled with creatures.
You saw my legendary pike, didn’t you? Got the key from our friend the wb spider, BUT the brand new invisible version. I had to kill her with stone daggers while she was invisible during the whole fight. I hadn’t a single potion, because usually we can see it and don’t need any! :laughing: It was a little harder guessing where she was pointing her invisible fangs! :smile:

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Wait, I am all in but…
More rules please.
Do I have to start from absolute zero? Am I allowed to have a base?
Give me more details :kissing_heart:, open a topic to update it and you bet I am all in, just make it as difficult as it gets please :pray:t6: and I will consider it as the best birthday present I took :blush:

Yup, you are allowed to have whatever you like. I just want to see you being a pure sorcerer and soloing the vaults. I want to test the viability of it. And since I’m feeling lazzy, you might do it yourself, if you fancy the challenge.

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It’s on, thanks @MarcosC :heart:
I can use a ready toon, or a new one?

That is up to you.
My only aim is your insight about soloing the vaults using only sorcery gear.
I never did that.

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I will test it today on a ready toon and if I see it’s east I will create a new character to make it harder :wink:! Starting…

If you find it boring, go straight to the harpies. Substitute all the others with killing everything in the headless judge grounds, including the judge.
All vaults are easy but the volary. That’s the one I think might give you a run for your money.
The judge grounds are also tough. You need to play strategically. So that’s a good challenge too. More hard fighting, less boring stuff.

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No why should it be boring, it’s fun man, thanks a million, on about 2 hours I will know, worry not :wink:.

Because all vaults are easy but that one.
If you want, substitute all the other vaults by the judge grounds. It will give you some good fights.

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I am afraid of the vaults I have low experience. The wolf vaults are not easy either and the jhil because of the climbing bug, plus the fat guys on the drowned vaults hit really hard…
We’ll see :wink:

You’ll cut through them like a hot knife through butter. Don’t rush it. Buff yourself properly. The volary of harpies is the only one you need to be very, very careful. With half hp, I’m not sure you won’t be one shot. Take a bow to lure enemies.

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Check the last perk of Grit!!!
So far I feel nothing, trust me grit build is the key :wink:.

Ps. If you do the oar challenge with 20 grit, it’s way easier, you are a beast!

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All attributes are much more interesting now. You can even adapt your build to the enemies you will be facing and get it much easier. Potions of bestial memory became really important.

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The outcome of this challenge is been tested in single player decadent difficulty! I traveled to each vault with admin mode to save me from the endless walking with so low stamina. Other than that I started the sequence from the easiest vaults to finish on the hardest! That means that I had to jump from the one side of the map to the other, so admin teleport helped a lot! In my SP I didn’t use the feature of “keep inventory on death” because you don’t have this in official servers and the fear of loosing everything makes the battle more thrilling! When you die in a vault you loose all your gear and spawning back in makes no sense. It’s better to go back because you have nothing. OK retrieving your arrows and some potions, but again it doesn’t worth it, it’s purely waste of time. Before I start the harpies vault I made the Wolfman brotherhood! In this dungeon I died, not to the boss fight but in the way. The agro was too big, my confidence from the other dungeons made me reckless and I payed the prize! Unfortunately I noticed that the fiend sigil is not working properly. I lost 8 sigils in death, 4 was totally lost and 4 was in the inventory of my dead body. Now you will tell me that, hey you just said that it doesn’t worth to go back for your loot… Yes it doesn’t. Because in the effort to gain back these 4 sigils you will loose everything, so the risk is a bit big and stupid. Especially for sigils that you can gain back so easily with this build. The grit build is making you a living beast, this armor combined with the grit perks allow you to face everything eye to eye, or at least almost everything.
So I went back took again the sigils I lost and returned to the wolf brotherhood. I play it the slowest I could and I finally exit victorious!

Now it was the moment of truth… Even in normal situations, with my best build, with weapons I know to wield best, this vault is my cryptonite!
Volary of harpies!
I prepared 20 potions, 10 infused wraps, 200 dragon bone arrows, 50 pork feast, golden lotus and jungle rum!
The first floor flow really good…
The middle, no way, I didn’t want to waste my arrows. You can stand on the nests of the trees and spend arrows to kill the damn white ones, the browns are really easy!
I stopped to the last and lower nest and started killing the white ones with the bow, then I went down and finish the brown! I did almost the same thing with all the others until the final battle, I was trying to lure the white, go behind a pillar and jump out to stager them with the hammer. I used too much cunning to made it happen! I finally made it, I left the boss alone and again I used the pillar to avoid the hits of this boss. In other words I made a cheesy fight, not an even fight. In this vault I play scared from the beginning till the end, that’s the truth, so I don’t know if this boss can one shot me with this “throwing claw” move, I didn’t took the risk! And I done it…

The mfker died :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
The build?

I teleported to the place I call home in Siptah placed a throne and put my Bella on it to enjoy her victory and watch the beautiful sunset of Siptah

I guarantee you that building in Grit these gear items will lead you to victory. The sorcery build can go against anything, literally! You need a mount yes, especially in Siptah that has no obelisks! If you don’t have a mount you need to fight almost everything in the way, your stamina is not enough to run and avoid, yet… You are a sorcerer you can always use invisibility or other sorcery tricks to avoid things. But as a fighter I can give you a huge YES!!! It worth it. Beautiful job, congratulations to the guys who fixed it. This sorcery build has a lot to give us, I wish from the bottom of my heart I could use it as pc players can :pensive:.


Congratulations, @stelagel !
You did a wonderful job.

However, the bow was for luring enemies, not to cheese them!
I’ll consider everything perfect, but the Volary. With your brilliant tactics, you can make it naked! :laughing:

Meaning, you don’t actually test the build in the way I had planned. I’m to blame because I wasn’t specific. The bow was meant just to lure enemies.

I wanted you to use melee against those beasts to test both armor, weapons and stats. If you cheese them with a bow you don’t test these elements. Right?

So, well done anyway, but I’ll consider it perfect if you only use the bow to lure the enemies, not to cheese them! :rofl:
Wanna try the Volary that way? JUST the Volary.

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