My first Siptah challenge! Become a sorcerer without feat points!

I will, but death is certain, but I will!

All the others went with the hammer, just for the volary of harpies you need to use the bow! This alone is good enough to say that this build worth it. Because @Wak4863 already did a video how to win the harpies without sorcery build and he achieved it more or less the same way! But I will go without even the bow. I will die for sure, but I have to loose nothing :wink:

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@stelagel spawn stuff. If you die, just spawn everything again. Of course this is to do in Single Player. Nobody sane would face that vault like you’re doing.
Listen, if you don’t want to do it, I’ll try it. I just want to see how tough it is with just this stuff. I soloed the Volary many times already, without using a bow, but with much stronger builds. I wonder if it can be done with this one. I asked you because you know how to fight.

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I just logged in to do it, I remove bracelets to remove my sigils :rofl::rofl::rofl:. I want to go without the use of sigils!

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Don’t make it harder than it needs to be, but sure, you can do it without them. If you die, don’t try to recover anything, @stelagel . Just spawn stuff and go again. Don’t rush it, because if you do you are toast. Pick your targets carefully. That’s the secret.

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Exactly… I know all these years that your fear can be your greatest obstacle in this game. All this time I was dealing this vault with fear which was absolutely wrong…
Lure with bow? GREAT MISTAKE, don’t do it. You lure more than one and things can be hard! No walk slowly, lure everyone alone or maximum 2 and it’s piece of cake!
The passing from the bridge is done normally without provoking the middle Bridge!
So basement!
First stage

Second stage

Third stage

Final battle

Finally, thank you for believing in me Marcos, I didn’t believe it either, trust me :rofl::rofl::rofl:. Thanks again :+1:t6:

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See? Yeah, maybe the bow makes it worse. I never carry one.
So, it can be done with that build. Outstanding! That’s what I wanted to know.
Of course I trust in you. We’ve played enough time together for me to know that if it was feasible, you would do it.
You used the correct strategy. Unless two corrupted harpies pair up and get you, they are not strong. It’s only that feather shot that is terrible. Other than that, it’s a piece of cake.
Thanks a lot for doing it!
I was a little busy, as you can see:


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Isn’t that why we send stelagel to these quests? Heck, I wouldn’t try those Vaults like that, and I have reason to question my sanity every day.


He likes the challenge, @Kapoteeni ! And as he has a lot of experience, I value a lot his opinion aftewards. He will know why things worked or didn’t work and what to possibly do about it.

Adding to that, just imagining him doing them is enough to crack me up. I don’t know if you ever played with him, but he is very, very funny, without trying to be funny.
Best online mate I ever had.

Based on a previous challenge that he commented, I made a agility/grit build with light armor and was able to solo the blowback event (errr encounter, as they name it now :smile:) easily yesterday. Even captured a new t4 fighter. I did the event three times already. Got cimmerians and stygians.

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