My game keep freezing

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My game is unplayable, it freezes all the time, a simple opening of the inventory freezes, in this way it is impossible to play, you never know when it happens, and when it happens you appear dead, this already goes beyond all limits, Funcom you have to do something about it…

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Same here

I can even enter servers anymore. Not even solo mode

Hello there everyone!

Thank you for reporting this to us.

Regarding the situation at hand, would you be so kind as to provide us with a screenshot of the error message that shows up (if any) when the game crashes? Also, if possible provide us with a video of the crash occurring.

Also, are you running Conan Exiles from an external disk?

Note: Not every freeze results in an error message…

Some of the Error log since the update

PS4 Post patch

Freezes happen at random, casting spells, opening benches, walking in the World etc.

2022-09-08 14.47.00

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