My Server Uses modlist.txt and looks like this idk how to order them


but trying to add more but when i do it crashes server

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Need more details. Also, Funcom do not get involved with queries regarding Mods so best to check out the Discord groups: Conan Exiles and the Admins United discord groups to start with.

That being the case, yes, PIPPI will be first in the list. Then the rest after that.

One way to check which of the mods is causing the issue is to try just PIPPI and see if the server crashes. If not, then add the IQoL mod and check that.

I could not find the “passwordedchest” mod, but guessing that could be Hades’ “Lockable Chest” mod? I do see that that mod was last updated 16 Dec, 2023 so I personally think that might be the problem mod? Check the Discords.