My thoughts on Raid Protection (Long Cooldown)

It’s just an idea that I had, but after browsing the forums and reddit, I’ve noticed a lot of requests for the very thing mentioned in the title: Offline Raid Protection.

My thoughts after reading their other threads is that they are asking for too short of a “cooldown” when you log off. I think that what should happen is that your protection from being raided doesn’t start until 4 hours after you log out. That way, you have to make a serious choice between having time to farm up resources and being vulnerable versus logging out 4 hours prior to raid time and losing valuable farming time but keeping your stuff.

Player agency is what makes games awesome, and allowing for more choices brings more variety to gameplay. This also allows people who have RL obligations to be protected from having their stuff stolen because they had to work a double shift (Happened to me. I was not happy about it and almost gave up the game because of it)

With fence stacking gone, 4 hours will wipe a base 2x over. 1 hour is plenty of time to do significant damage. And if not repaired will allow a finish up raid if you catch them repairing.

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I think that 1 hour isn’t enough. I still want there to be consequences for logging out right before raid timer starts. Otherwise they can just log out 1 hour before raid timer and be perfectly fine. 1 hour isn’t enough time to affect anyone’s farming production. 4 hours, on the other hand, is a serious investment of time devoted to making sure that your stuff is safe.

I will concede, however, that 4 might be a bit excessive. 3 seems more reasonable.

I think you might have misread the OP
What he is suggesting is, if you log out 4 hours before raid time, you can’t be raided period.

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Just turn raid time to 24/7 and let offline protection (set at a decent timer) do the work.


I disagree with this for the simple notion that it encourages “turtling,” or simply hiding in your base until the server is empty and then going out to farm. It means you can’t leave your base for any length of time without constantly worrying about being raided while you’re out farming.

So let them turtle. Eventually someone is going to raid them with them inside if they do that though.

Online raiding is kind of the point.


I still disagree with the idea of 24/7 raid time, but can’t quite articulate why. I’ll give it some more thought before posting a rebuttal though.

I agree that online raiding is the point. Being online and able to defend your stuff is the whole reason I play PVP because half the fun of building castles is defending them. I just know that being offline raided SUCKS because if I’m not online during raid time, I’m stuck at work constantly worrying about whether or not I’m about to wake up in the desert.

See, I am saying 24/7 raid. There is no non raid window. If you are on, raid is part of your plan. Right now pvp raid servers are already pvec with raid as an option. Doesn’t make sense.

Think about it this way. If raiding was 24/7 and you only had to worry about PVP when you were logged in. YOU get the choose when you PVP. Simply by logging in. You get to choose when to be on the offensive, while also being on the defensive.

You are no longer tethered to the server’s schedule.

I think you disagree with the idea of ‘24/7’ because it would be disastrous without DBD. But with DBD, all the negatives with 24/7 are negated. This isn’t to say this system wouldn’t be without its cons. No system is perfect. But you would be hard pressed to say that logging in without fear of loading into the desert with everything gone isn’t a con worth getting rid of in comparison.


This 100%.

And now with Crack down on fence stacking and spam building, we may actually see back and forth.

Sure l, while someone could log off mid raid, the raider(s) could still dig pretty deep before protection kicks in at @ 1 hour.

The player(s) that logged off would have to eventually get back on to farm and or repair.

That is when the original or even a vulture clan can finish the job.

And ideally it would 8ncrease player count, which means while clan A is raiding clan B, clan C could sneak attack and raid Clan A.

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I can see that. I can also see the main issue of “Oh no I’m being attacked! Better log out!” instead of grinning and drawing swords to defend your stuff. Of course, as was stated in the first reply that a lot of damage can happen in an hour, so maybe switching to 24/7 raid time and a “Logout cooldown” of 1 hour where your stuff is still vulnerable for 1 hour after you log out to prevent cheesing offline raid protection.

I think the main reason that I like the current raid-time-window setup that we have is that it encourages players to be on during a certain time, increasing the likelihood that both attackers and defenders will be online at the same time. It means that players log in and log out in waves, allowing for “peak” times. A 24/7 raid time means that it would essentially be random who’s on and who isn’t.

Without reducing the amount of damage that bombs do or making them more expensive, the amount of time between sign out and DBD up should probably be less than an hour.

That’s my opinion anyway. Though my real opinion is bombs should be removed from the game.


Without a doubt, bomb damage is way too high. Even if nothing else in this thread occurs, bomb damage needs a hefty nerf. I also believe that placing bombs should take time. Maybe like a 2-3 second animation per bomb, giving the defending player a chance to do something about it.


I have championed an animation to set down a bomb. The fact you. an cheese it around while running is ludicrous and bad game mechanic design.


I like the 24/7 With OLP best too. And the cooldown for OLP can be anything from 15min to 1hr. Longer than that and it defeats the OLP all together. Shorter than that and it becomes a tactic to log-off when under attack. I think even one hour is a bit long but I can just hang with that - not more. Personally, with 24/7 on as it should be IMO, I think between 15 and 30 minutes is the sweet spot. A player can accomplish A LOT in 15min. Entire mega-bases with stacking and all go down in less time.

If they nerf bombs, would 30 minutes still be enough? FWIW, I am glad that fence stacking has been pulled from the game because it (hopefully) means that other building pieces will be rebalanced, but I definitely still think that bombs need a hefty nerf as mentioned above.

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Probably, yes. In 30min 10 gods can be summonsed, and hundreds if not thousands of bombs set. So I would guess the answer is; yes?

I dunno if 30 minutes would be enough.

The ability to summon avatars and place 100s of jars to blow up a base in 30 minutes is hinging on the fact that there are players glued to the player list screen. I’m not saying this wouldn’t happen. But that level of coordination… they could just do it while you’re logged in. Why wait for the last person to log off? Just hit them in the face and let them watch their base crumble before their eyes.

But normally if you log off, its going to be 30 minutes before the protection kicks in and in that time people have to find the base, notice that its still damageable. And then bring their stuff to bear. Having played in games with offline protection, I can attest that its simply not worth the effort. If offline protection is a thing, then the tactic is to literally hit online targets.

The reason I say 30 minutes may not be enough is it can still be used to avoid an impeding raid. Like I said before, in order to do enough damage in 30 minutes you need a high level of coordination. And with that coordination, its better just to hit them while they’re online.

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10 gods would be hard to farm for, unless someone is still exploiting old tokens somewhere.

Here is why, the crafting of a T3 altar shows up in everyone’s logs (at least it used to). they take roughly 30 mins to craft. Then token takes another 15-20 mins. So one has 3 choices, attack when they see the event log of a T3 (it would be on the map, pack up and hide loot if they feel they are the target.l, or log off at the moment they see it is being crafted. Sure they would get 1/maybe 2 gods in before the 1 hour cooldown, but still not wipe. And with the 24 hour decay of token (reduce it to 12 hours) can just wait it out. And if a clan wants to have 10 altars on map ready to craft the tokens, they make themselves huge targets.

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