Are named thralls specifically crafters difficult to find in siptah? Or is it just me having terrible rng?
I don’t think it’s too difficult to get named crafters, though admittedly it’s been a little while since I last played on the Siptah map. So probably bad rng.
Used to be a lot harder though. Before they added the thrall camps, leyshrines were pretty much the only place you could get any thralls. Let alone named ones. That or the randomly spawned vortexes that dropped thralls out of the sky.
You can found named thralls, but it´s very rare. Yesterday i found a T4 Blacksmith, but the game is crashing and the thrall is gone. On the shrines you can spawn T4 with the high activate state.
My experience coincides with this. I’d just add that it needs to be tier 4 surges in order to get named thralls. Those can be a bit rough but if you can handle them it’s far faster than camping named in the static camps. Though you will have to camp the essences to trigger the surges.
Vortexes? I don’t think I’ve ever seen one! What’s the mechanic of that? What do they look like?
Oh that’s so sad! My named cook disappeared not long ago
the mechanic @Glurin is talkin about no longer exist , there would be vortexes scattered all around the map ( 5 in total at every time , except when the central tempest is going on ) that would spawn t1 to t3 fighters/archers/crafters , the only way you could get named was summoning a high level vortex at the leyshrine ( spending at least 1000 ??? essence ) and there were no villages or human npc anywhere on the map except those random vortexes , also the middle tempest would destroy buildings constructed inside the tempest area , and if you had enough construction pieces would spawn the various tempest bosses ( dragon, weird TreeMushroom that shoots lazers, demon guy, blood ball guy that summons worms ect… ) , this last mechanic was awesome , and my clan and I got to kill at our maximum 17 bosses in a single tempest , the fight was epic
but with the introduction of human filled towns , those mechanics were taken down .
here is an example of the storm bosses mechanic :
I think part of the storm getting toned down is just collateral damage from when people wouldn’t stop exploiting the storm spawns and causing massive server lag/crashes. Basically the storm had x stages of severity and the most chaos happened at the final stage. But to stop the exploitation, they shut down the final stage.
Other than that, yeah, people wanted to build in the tempest zone and wanted a more predictable and reliable source of thralls, so it was out with the vortexes and in with the thrall camps.
Option 1.
Go get the gremlin sigil.
Fix or farm an eldarium sickle.
Go to the fractured citadel.
Every 30 minutes you harvest enough whirlwind of chaos to summon a tier 4 surge.
Option 2.
High lvl purges.
Option 3.
Hunt the camps of the south, except the black corsairs of course.
If you need assistance, name your server and i’ll be there before you know it.
Level VIII purges give me so many T4 crafters that I have to fire them right away
Hey @Kanza1 thanks for the video m8, i never happened to see how the storm was on early access and the way i see it, it was fantastic .
I remember years ago i was trying to find a storm like this and i will go on Wak Siptah server to meet @LostBrythunian. Of course he drove me to a really good spot that had dragon spawn as “elder”, but it was not something like the video, that most of the Grey pool Avatars spawn.
I cannot complain for the storm we have now however, if a player decides to have unbelievable fun, all he- she has to do is go to the center of the tower that the spawns can get a frenzy frequency 15 minutes before the end.
In my mind elders were different bosses and i was kinda sad i never met them , hopefully @LostBrythunian explained me that their form was similar all around Siptah so probably i met them all at the time.