Need new ways to get oil it should not be horrible grind

Currently the gathering of oil is a horrible grind bugs in a fish trap do you know how many bugs it takes? Grubs and or gathering the sickle way is like playing farmville. there should be other ways to gather it without ruining the game play.
Yes dungeon runs you can get it that way also but its hit or miss.


Try using vegetable oil? As is, put seeds into the Fluid Press.

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I think you can use plant fiber as a fuel.

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And for crafting stone consolidant.

True, but if youā€™re farming for bugs you get way more plants fiber than you need for stone consolidation.

Have you considered throwing the plant fiber away? :smiley:


IT is like branches when i farm wood now. Just open inventory and drop. 2 seconds.

I personally would love a mod that can make any base game building piece moss green/green, and using plant fiber would be perfect for it. Just saying modders :wink:

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Funny you should mention that ā€“ we can finally turn branches into wood now, with a T3 carpenter. :smiley:


Easiest way Iā€™ve found is make 10 fish traps and 10 compost binds. place 1 compost in each bind and they will generate 50 grubs without you having to do anything. When you are doing stuff in base place grubs in trap and harvest every 30 minutes. Make more binds for more grubs but you only need 1 compost in binds to generate grubs.

Itā€™s funny. Iā€™m an RP player, so I like anything that seems to make more sense. Catching thousands of fish a day in a handful of traps is absurd.

But yeah, if you arenā€™t like me, this must be infuriating.

Emberlight mod includes a new feature called ā€˜chromaā€™ that allows recoloring building pieces (maybe only vanilla ones) - Iā€™ve no idea how to use it, but Iā€™m pretty sure it can make stuff green :slight_smile:


Change the name of the game to ā€œConan needs Oilā€. That would fix it.

But really, itā€™s too much. I mean, this is a game right? or is it work? Feels like a lot of work for a small amount of fun.


Straight up cooking food should produce oil from fatty meats. Simple fix funcom add it


Wish they would release that as a DLC.
I normally play PS4, been advance scouting for my PS4 PVP buddies.

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Thereā€™s no middle ground with FC, it is all or nothing it seemsā€¦lol. Before the patch I made mass quantities of oil so I am not POed yetā€¦but it does seem like they could up the quantity a bit and lower the decay rate, which is really absurd.


Funny thing is that now best method to get good armor is raiding the cimmerian village. They drop armor, you can repair the armor with selfmade repair kits. It takes no time to get sets of armor grinding the village while crafting makes no sense from the time factor anymore. Itā€™s the same with some other stuff. Grinding is often better and far less time consuming than crafting (for some stuff). They broke the crafting. The new stations are mostly senseless, far too big, much was made now overcomplicated (like tannery station, totally senseless).

Seems the motto is: ā€œIf pvp players are unhappy and hate the game how it is we make also the pve people unhappy, so it is evenā€. Well, they succeeded. Crafters are unhappy, PVEā€™s are unhappy (no good new content), PvPā€™sā€¦


seriously seeds your nuts takes 5 oil to make a perfected pad = 500 seeds

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Not on siptah cant go get some great armor this is all around crafting. Exiles im good i tested this and only T4 thralls get the oil recipe to make oil, T3 is a no go

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It takoes 5 oil to make hardened leather. According to the wiki, itā€™s 42 hardened leather for 1 perfected heavy padding, which would mean 210 oil. Since you need 15 seeds for 1 oil, thatā€™s 3150 seeds.

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Nah its only 21 if you have a t3 armorer.

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