Nerfing thralls will be a major error

Sure it is, but its supposed to be.

It took our clan 3 months before we got that and thats cooperating all the way.

World Bosses (Sider Queen, Rhino King,Scorpions, Reaper Queen)
Any Daggers
Any End Game War Hammer

Cimmerian Berserker (Lian or Dalinsa will work as well)
Level 15+,
Venom Infused Ax

I stack 20 bleed with my daggers, then keep sunder at 5.
The thrall will stack poison, and reactivate the 20 bleed stack with the ax.

for UC i will usually give it a Dragon Bone 2H with master fitting (unless i have a better legendary Drop 2H). these depend on thralls aggro bugginess, but usually i about 3 minutes.


Personally, I’d go with a heavy strength-boosting armor and a weapon with hyper-armor and no kicking like a good mace. Nordheimers have the highest starting strength in the game and a respectable damage multiplier, so a guaranteed T4 spawn like Lian would be a good place to start.

Mind you, as I already demononstrated in other thread last week, a player doesn’t even need to go toe-to-toe with a world boss. A simple kill pit helps to level the playing field for players who aren’t as proficient in melee combat or who lack a top-tier thrall.

It’s also more accessible to someone who lacks a lot of time to play (as you’ve stated elsewhere is your case), since you can build-up and upgrade a kill pit over time quite easily.

Nah, it’s not about removing the legendaries, either. It’s about changing how they’re obtained. As long as they’re gated behind loot-box slot-machine mechanics, you have the problem of bosses being part of your regular farming routine instead of being epic boss fights.

But I think we’re getting a bit sidetracked, because my point isn’t that we have to make legendaries craftable or that we have to make boss fights feel epic.

My point is that when you yank on one thread, the whole thing starts to unravel. Wanna nerf thralls? There are PVP players who rely on them for base defense and PVE players who use them to farm bosses. Wanna buff players? That will wreck the difficulty progression of NPC fights.

Whatever you adjust, it’ll affect everything else and you’ll inevitably end up with a whole bunch of players screaming at you how you screwed up their playstyle.


Ah so the issue is player playstyle because Funcom messed up- their playstyle.

It doesnt matter what game you play- its ALL farming. So lets go over that part right away.

To a player who defeats said bosses the first time it is epic. Then its farmer bob afterwards.

If you want to make boss fights epic , then the code has to be there for the boss to change the way it fights- everytime. That costs money.

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Hi Azaroth,

This is the problem, thralls are useless for base defense.

First to raid a base you can use a treb to break a wall to enter and start killing thralls with boulders. Or bombs.
Then acid + poison arrows and star metal arrows during the effects of poison with 4 accuracy perk.
If you can regroup thralls in a corner, you can acid + poison on 10 to 15 thralls at a time!
You can place too a bomb (with exploding) to block them, then fire arrows.

As solo i can raid this in 2 or 3 hours. A clan of 3 in 1 hour is ok.

I like this game, but it is broken in many ways. First it is not survival, you have ressources everywhere to collect without fighting. Too easy to have everything. Too easy to raid. Clans vs solo. Big vs small playtime. No wipe. Purge useless. 

BUT we like this game :slight_smile:

Not necessarily. There’s certainly a special sense of achievement when you do it the first time, but that doesn’t mean you can’t design a boss that remains challenging when you fight it again. But you can’t design a boss that remains challenging and fun and has to be farmed mindlessly and incessantly.

That doesn’t cost money, that’s impossible. All code has patterns humans can learn.

But yeah, designing a boss that remains challenging does require better AI and that costs money.

Regardless, I think I’m still not expressing my point clearly. The suggestion that bosses shouldn’t be part of regular farming wasn’t mine:

What I replied to @WhatMightHaveBeen wasn’t meant as an assertion that Funcom should make bosses epic. It was meant to say that if we don’t want bosses to be part of a normal farming run, then there’s a lot more to change.


I agree with the assessment. But if bosses were truly bosses, then the loot could be adjusted to match the epic. If in theory, it took 5 times longer to get thru a boss, then that would mean that legendaries are now 80% reduced as far as loot. Withthem becoming a little more rare, you can then in turn boost them, IE LBS could be bossted a little closer to its OG stats. And other weapons could return some of their first release stats
The idea being they are rare(r) now, so even a little tilted towards OP would be forgivable. But i also would like to see a more aggressive durability setting to make people need, not just want, to make the runs on officials.

It seems to me that if we just focus on the UC, a number of the farmable bosses could be brought inside some of the local ruins. Only after epic mini-boss action can you get inside the Boss Ruin. To further spice things up, there should be player-breakable obstacles that deny your passage. If there’s one thing PvE really misses out on, it’s the satisfaction of bombing the tar out of the beautiful building pieces.

Then you’d lower the boss spawn rate, or vary it like meteors, and raise the drop rate for higher favorability.

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Some call for players to be buffed to match thralls.
Some call for thralls to be nerfed so they aren’t OP.

Buff players and thralls suck so thralls have to be buffed, etc etc.

Why can’t thralls be equivalent to players? Haven’t seen this suggested anywhere.

It seems like a better balance is to make thralls that are essentially like player characters. Don’t give them special bonuses that the player doesn’t have access to.

Why can’t they simply get the same “SAVAGES” system, either with points spent in specific attributes based on the type of thrall it is, if it’s a combat thrall, or else allow the players to choose how the points are spent.

Make it so statistically they are exactly the same as a player character of similar level. They don’t deal out huge extra damage, and they don’t have huge health pools to be tanks.

Players get an advantage over them for having the intelligence (one would hope) to think about a situation. So they aren’t 100% as powerful as a player, because a player can outsmart them.

Then just limit how many thralls a single player can place.
Something like each player can place 5 thralls.
If they are in a clan, make it +1 thrall per clan member.
There is no reason why a clan should get a lot more thralls, simply because there are more of them. +1 per member is fair enough.

I mean, if there are 10 members in a clan, 5+1 for each means 60 combat thralls in addition to 10 clan members. That’s more than enough for any base.

Maybe not enough if you are spamming bases all over the map like a jackass, but player’s shouldn’t be doing that anyways.

Probably shouldn’t even allow 5+1 each.
It should probably instead be something like:
3 thralls placed per player in a clan, each player in the clan is allowed two active combat thralls. A 10-player clan would then have 30 placed thralls, 20 follower thralls, and 10 humans.

But again, why can’t they simply revamp thralls to be equivalent to players? Seems like the logical solution, and honestly the way it should have been from the very beginning.

tbh, the HP doesn’t bother pvp players as much as the 1-2 shot ability of high tiered leveled thralls. the damage just needs to be reduced, even 1/3rd means at least i have time to react and evade if in a skirmish with a player and their thrall. We actually understand the tank HP, as they have a severe disadvantage without dodge and AI that counters and reacts. The entire aggro is really just RNG timing by the thrall. No rhyme or reason for the attack patterns. So High HP allows for them to be semi dangerous if you try to just spam attack on one. Making them 100% customize-able defeats the entire leveling system because once a meta was found, that is all players will create. It is already happening with the thralls we get (Berserker/Dalinisa).

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Because thrall AI is (and always will be) inferior to players. Compensation is required to make them “equal” to players.

Because only some attributes affect thralls. Players can deal with changes in something like encumbrance, but a thrall AI is too “dumb” to deal with an issue like “overencumbrance.”

Because computers (ie. AI) aren’t smart enough to ever be programmed to the level of human players to deal with all the situations players deal with. AI is only as smart as its programming (which takes a ton of code just to get them to where they are now).

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Whether they have to be “equal” to players is debatable, but it’s a moot point, because either Funcom wasn’t aiming for that or they overcompensated severely.

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Then I rather see them just nerf boss health pools, and also nerf thralls. If they buff player damage to thrall levels pvp will be f’ed and back to square one with people running around 2 shotting eachother

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The answer here is quite simple actually; nerfing thralls isnt the answer. I agree with Darthphysicist and Bodin that we should buff players (bring on Prestige Mode too). It is crazy that thralls can be some 2300% stronger than us, the disparity is simply too far flung.

However I also feel that enemy NPCs also need some improvement, even without raising players or lowering thralls. But the answer doesnt lie in simply raising hp pool alone. Most could benefit from a handful of new attack animations, and most importantly of all, speed up enemy attack animations. Some enemies are SO SLOW (Apes and Gorillas make for a good random example of this) and easy to dodge! T4 human enemies could also benefit from a speed enhancement, and man I wish they would randomly perform dodge rolls occasionally to throw us off and keep us guessing during battle. We have improved Thrall/Companion AI, I say that next on the list should be Enemy NPCs AI.

Although I make an important distinction here: Enemies should not be made any more difficult in the River biome. It should remain simple and easy going so that new players can learn the ropes.

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Buff players to me is damage AND health.

Fulfills my golden maxim: it is better to add than subtract.


Coming from a completely non-religious guy; amen to that!

Coming from a guy who lived through the worst years of breakup of Yugoslavia: that’s the recipe for hyperinflation :smiley:

Buff up the players, then buff up most NPCs, then guess what happens? Funcom will add a new dungeon with a new boss designed for these new values. Then they’ll buff up the thralls to deal with the new boss :smiley:

I’m not being completely satirical here, though. We’re not really talking about adding and subtracting here, we’re talking about scaling. And you can achieve the effect you want by buffing players and most NPCs, or you could achieve it by nerfing thralls and nerfing some of the bosses. If you add a zero at the end of every bill, the money doesn’t really end up being more valuable :wink:


I SOOOO agree with you on this one. Enemies should be faster (animation speed, at least). Especially a named enemy like a T4 NPC.