Does that make the Pass not pay for itself? No, it does not.
There are some good items in every Battle Pass, and there is stuff you don’t care for that someone else loves. That is the nature of it. I don’t use horses, colored torches, wall/floor paints, or animal skins (although the red scorpion might change that). The last Passes had plenty of stuff that gives me a “that’s nice, but no”. There’s also a lot of “Yes please” as well.
However, if someone does like what they’re getting, and another does not, the response should be, “Hey, I’m glad you like it. I would have preferred something else, but not this round.” instead of outright calling everything garbage and complaining, yet again, about how the game is no fun anymore. (not talking to you here tin egg)
nothing, you just need to buy next BP then with same 1200 coins to unlock it
btw, i think max cost for bazaar item should be 1200, so people can choose, save coins for next BP, or spend it now
it gives some freedom and fairness
Im very surprised by the negative feedbacks on the current bp guys. You have a freaking mummy outfit a sarcophagus!! and that arc of the covenant thing!
Whatever you buy you can only use if you can connect funcom live services and becuaee it’s a crap mess right now you often can’t connect and so you are stuck unable to use it.
A lot of the items are not even Stygian or Egyptian themed. More middle eastern such as ancient Sumerian / Babylonian themed with the chest and the statue of Ishtar as well as the other statue later on the pass. Yes there are also Stygian themed items as well but some would certainly go quite well with a Turanian build more so than with a Stygian build. Also the treasure items, the vase and cup and plate would go with any race, not just one. So yeah, it’s not just all Stygian as you make it out to be and in all honesty, it is most certainly one of the better battle pass offerings so far by a long shot. Far better than the last one and far better than the coloured torch at every 4th step just in a different colour.
In that regard, if the person frequently purchases the Battle Pass (which they said they had to this point) but, instead of getting the pass again, spends those coins on hookers and blo-, er… other items from the Bazaar, then now, not only are they out the (dubious by some estimations) rewards from the pass, but they also don’t have the funds for the next pass.
By investing in the pass early one may make up for a certain level of fiscal intemperance by locking those coins away for the span of time it takes to complete the pass. One’s mileage will vary as some people report completing the pass in a single sitting, whereas others take a couple months.
keep me what was promised a working siptah server promise was wait until the new age update and we fix all the bugs we know whats forcing the laags and crashes, and now u cant even join the server anymore great work …
gosh do me one favor stop updating this once so great game to death, its only living cuz of the big modder comunitys and people with mooded server wich play what tha actual game is missing since years, be honnest nobody want this AI crap on a pvp server its a weakness if u use it, others will come and attack u when ur recovering from that fight , in rpg u cant tell anyone wer this out of the air troops come from and so only pve and singleplayers wich are lonely may use this crap, and those a very rare people wich mostly live in the lead designers office…
i was waiting fro this update cuz of the pyramid building parts and what do i see, a shit of items battle pass like the last, and those bevore, and a overpriced bazzar full of stuff and alot of mods again destroyed on the ground and modders giving up…
i tell u one thing when the last modder or one of the major ones give up, this game will die faster then any Tencent china manager can look, we western people dont like grind, we dont like micropayments, we like polished games that work, not old bugs pulled out of the grave to invent Coins…
Most people prefer green over sand in Conan. The whole theme is not very appealing to most players. Might have its fans and that is ok, but if you look closely you will find more nemedian buildings then anything else on servers.
In my opinion they should theme more around that style if I may call it that way. Introducing more Rp style clothes and additional nemedian building pieces would benefit this game much more. 2 high and wide gates, glas ornament windows and other building elements, new chest designs, crafters armor or beeing able to change crafters outift on benches would go a long way. Instead they are adding a thrown room that does not really fit any other building style for over 1700 crom coins.
I agree of the popularity of nemedian and green space but at the same time, I also think promotion of the other cultures set around other biomes is an effort to help the congestion in the green places as the end game leveled players come back to the sands to work out the new stuff.
They know Nemedian is popular, that’s why they are selling a broken version in the Bazaar later.
This far this one has made comments on other comments, now to the main point.
This Battle Pass.
First of all, this one generally hates Battle Passes for a number of reasons, so the appraisal will be from one who is already disinclined.
Tight Theme. The pass items are very interconnected with themselves and the Season currently active. The tapestries are a good example.
Pretty. The pieces in question look nicely executed.
Refunds itself. There are (as always) enough Chrome Coins on the paid track that, other than drudgery time, the pass pays for itself.
Shortsword Skin. This one likes Shortswords and this one looks sleek and elegant.
The Filler. Trebuchet Ammo? They found a way to make this one yearn for the days when we had spell potions as filler.
The Theme. This speaks to a larger problem with the Age of War which will be elaborated below. Short form, because it is so interwoven with the current Age, the Age’s misteps turn a positive into a negative.
The Tokens of Remembrance. Specifically, this is the second placeable dagger.
“Chakram” Skin. In specific, much like with the claws from a previous BP, it is a skin for weapons that do not actually have a Star Metal tier in game otherwise. Also, those are as much “chakrams” as the Bec de Corbin is a crow’s beak polearm. Those are Wind and Fire wheels. Ignoring the pendantry, it’s still very bad to paywall lock the Starmetal tier of a weapon group. If we had Starmetal tier Claws/Punch daggers in the base game, this would be a non issue.
What’s wrong with the Age of War?
It isn’t an age of War.
It’s an Age of Stygian Greed. This Age revolves around treasure and dreck from Khemi. The entire age lacks a fundamental understanding of conflicts between organized bodies. It’s an Age of Plunder. There isn’t war. There is a series of bandit raids. We raid the NPC camps, the Stygians raid Us, next chapter we counter-raid the Stygians.
By twisting/reducing War to the two factors of Loot and Stygians, it becomes something far less and far more constrained.
While this one generally likes the BP to reflect the Season it is tied to, it does require the season to have some meat to it.
There are Legendary Shortswords.
They are just on Siptah from specific bosses
Alligator Bite Gouges, Render Cripples, and the Sword of Champions has absurd stats.
That’s not counting the delicious Eldarium options and the occasional unique with Legendary stats (but no other affects).
The only thing this one still wants is a shortswords that sunders… but that may be a bit too much.
That aside, strong agree on some missed opportunities.
But hey, combat is more souls like now.