New battlepass review

Funny thing I still need to test out. @Wak4863 was doing dungeon crawl content for the test lives and I saw sword of the champions drop from the degenerate in the WoS

yes, but try to find any from leg chestsā€¦
we got plenty of bows, 1h swords, 2h swords, 2h maces, 1h maces, 2h pikes, 1h axes, daggers, shieldsā€¦

aaanddd zero short swords, javelins, 2h (great) axes, claws, dual swordsā€¦ this is sad

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Well, looking through the whole Battle Pass, there are a few items that look interesting, and plenty I donā€™t care about. The Stygian theme is okay in my opinion, but itā€™s getting too far into old ā€œmummyā€™s curseā€ movie theme. Lots of bling, which is great for the Age of Plunder. I have the coin for it, so I guess Iā€™ll buy it.

new statue from BP :sweat_smile:

People pay for this? What in the whatā€¦???

its freeā€¦ but yeahā€¦ i was hoping for regular size statue (gold one), description misleading again :melting_face:

yeeeaahhhā€¦i was disapointed as well lol

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only interested in treasure piles and mummy emote (if it could be used by thralls), the other stuff is +/-

Itā€™s cute. Now we just need a miniature painting minigame - we already have brushes and dyes in the game.

Admittedly, I expected her to be taller.

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I like a lot of the stuff in it. some of the deco and armor is nice.

The giant snake is amazing. from my experience so far that pet might actually be usable. its damage, hp and armor are actually pretty good. It also has a very good and reliable attack pattern which is great as that ruins so many pets. the only complaint i have about the battlepass is the giant snake shouldnā€™t be in the battlepass. I donā€™t think it can be obtained any other way and that isnā€™t good.

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Will we get Zath and Dagon action figures next?

This one hopes the Mecha Mitra will come with wind up walking stomping action.

This one is also surprised that is listed as a ā€œStatueā€ rather than a figurine or such.

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I am afraid it gonna be nerfed =( its too good now, plus you cant obtain it without BP many people are going to be mad about itā€¦

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I hope they donā€™t nerf it. itā€™s very cool and i love it. donā€™t think itā€™s overpowered and iā€™m sure a decently geared thrall will beat the thing. Any pet that is somewhat ok usually is, though. i like having options other then thralls. they do need to patch in a base game variant. people will get mad and they should.

I just started leveling mine. Itā€™s not too shabby but not too op when compared to my scorpion and rocknose. If you compare it to hyenas then sure

new mechanics are not often added to the gameā€¦ im still waiting on boats mechanic

how can you get giant snake without bp? :open_mouth:

Where you finding this stuff out I want to see all items new cause I want just certain things a link or where please with a axe in some welps head :pleading_face: :axe:

I found eggs on iOS but they probably in desert in exiles somewhere

This one routinely looks thru the admin panel for new goodies.

Also, they teased it at some point during a devstreams a month ago or so?

The status of the giant snake is the same as that of salamander and komodo.
Copy and paste. :smiley:
If the giant snake were strong, the salamander and komodo would have attracted attention long ago.