New dungeon garbage

Some 3 skull tree jumps out of the fog, pukes acid on me and my companion thrall. Dead in two seconds. That is just abysmal game design. I can’t even figure out what happened really. Just that it killed my best companion thrall, was a real non-event, and ended 2 seconds into the fight. You really need to better player feedback before you release this stuff to Live servers. As it is I see no reason to ever go back to the new dungeon. I don’t care if you get a herd of unicorns that pooop rainbows.

Uh oh sounds like somebody didn’t understand what to do and blames the game for it


The game doesn’t tell you anything.

The level of complexity of the event may have been beyond your level of play. You might try other content instead.

I will. One-shotting is garbage.

The encounter in question isn’t actually something you can fight. If it occurs, its because you failed to complete the event. You witnessed the consequence of failure. Not a next phase.


What may not be conveyed clearly is that the event has a time limit.
After that time limit is up, Kurak finishes his summoning and the Bloodmoon Beast appears, it is the beast of the apocalypse and the end of the Exiled Lands.

The time limit is not displayed on the screen, but be quick about the boss rush or you lose.

Also, when you finally do clear it, be ready to loot (be thorough and look closely) quickly, it gets very dangerous to linger.


10 minutes. That’s what you got. Some good tips? Bring a torch, golems take 8X damage from star metal weapons, corrupting smoke alters can be destroyed with explosive arrows, and always focus on the mages, never the monsters.

Other tidbits.

Make sure you snag the armor knowledge lore stone and harvest the dead golems and magi skulls prior to killing kurak. Exit stage left*

Happy hunting

*Had to edit to be theater correct


Well thanks. My mistake was bringing my best thrall. Which is gone now.

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To compliment an outstanding post, in a manner of speaking there is. The eclipse. Once the sun is fully eclipsed the Blood Moon Beast will make its appearance, which heralds the end. His appearance means that the player has taken too long and it is all over. So the progression of the eclipse is an indicator of sorts.

And of course a unique looking ‘item’ off Kurak himself, which can also be redeemed for rewards. I kept my first one as a trophy. :smiling_imp: :metal:


:flushed:. I need to go back now. That’s awesome


Erjoh you did not know my good fellow?? Off his body you can obtain the Severed Head of Kurak. It is great, I hope we get more such items in the future.

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No, keeping it. Never occurred to me to keep the thing.

I need that in my collection.

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That thing should probably leave the dungeon and pull a Kerafrym on the server its on.

Who doesn’t like a waking the sleeper event? :rofl:

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Certainly. I just like to keep unique items when it comes to open world adventuring games such as these. You can always turn in any additional ones ahould you ever run it again. Although there is no unique loot in return for it, just a greater quantity.

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1st. That’s a deep cut. Bravo.
2nd. Now this one wants a server wide purge to trigger anytime someone fails the Kurak Dungeon, suddenly storm monsters from Siptah start dropping all over the place and the eclipse doesn’t end until it’s defeated.

That’s obviously a bit outside the scope of what is reasonable to expect…

@Croms_Faithful , ah good sir, right you are.
This one rarely has had time to gaze up at the proceedings in the sky while clearing the boss rush.
Favouring a Shortsword and Shield style is the wrong answer when one also needs light for the fight…


I don’t know. I sort of like the idea that if someone, anyone doesn’t complete the kurak dungeon in a week’s time, it comes at everyone in demonic purge

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And there, we go again, and again without completing it, to demon purge everyone, all day :stuck_out_tongue:


You will enjoy content or else.


i want commend both @erjoh and @LostBrythunian . Bravo on not being a forum bully and actually discussing the OPs issue without hurling insults. You two (and a few others) are part of the reason i still post with hopes we can have decent interactions on player vent posts. @Bladesaint it does suck you have to learn the hard way. It is not unreasonable to expect the dungeon to be grind fodder, as 99% of the game is no challenge. FC decided to go from 0 to 150 mph on this dungeon. Cool fact, you can use it also just to insta port home. I personally just go around and harvest blood crystals, cash in except 30, get my goodies, go into the dungeon. fight to thru the gilem phase and then pull bracelet back home with easy loot.