New (hidden) Flashlight for those with Nyctophobia

First and foremost, allow me to praise the powers that be for restoring the night.
I even see the old reflection of the moon again as it once was before some genius moved the moon and didn’t get rid of the old moon reflection on the night water.
But hey… we have two opposing moon reflections now!
All that because too many complained about it and just couldn’t or wouldn’t adapt.
Now, I don’t mind the change too much, but you should have removed the old reflection … geniuses and you should have kept the phases of the moon in it’s correct orientation!

BUT : Here is my current issue and if you can’t or won’t do anything about it … I’ll just have to adapt to it.

This new light in the dark that surrounds me now.
It wasn’t there before this update.
Now I feel like I’ll have to recharge my batteries … if I can only find where they’re hidden.
(in my buttocks maybe? I don’t know.) It might explain why I’ve been more constipated lately.
I can’t be solar powered and I’m supposed to be human. (I was still human last time I checked).

I can understand a possible “need” for this unexplainable new illumination feature such as to help those who are afraid of the dark (Nyctophobia), or just can’t see jack in the darkness because they play in a room with lights on. (Afraid of the dark again maybe?) I don’t know because I’m not a psychiatrist.
I’ve done my share of climbing up and down in near pitch black conditions and I’ve gotten through it alive … mostly. The only time it was more pitch black and dangerous than any other time was during the eclipse while the maelstrom was running. But hey, what’s adventure without some danger, right?

But seriously … how can I turn this “personal” light OFF?
Or are you dooming me to something more akin to an arcade game now…

I’ve played 10,000 + hours in this game since the beginning. That says something about my love of this one game. I’ve been here through all the crazy stuff and I’m still here despite all the crazy stuff STILL going on.
But someone is pushing on the wrong buttons.
I shudder to think of all the money I’ve dropped into this game, not even related to DLC, other content, Bazzar or even Battlepass … but the money I’ve dropped into paying for the data overages every damned time I had to run an update. I could have bought this game well over 100 times already. Tencent and FunCom should have bought shares in ATT Communications.
Do I want to hang someone or tie them to a stake and let a goat headbutt them to death?
Pray (edit: Prey) you don’t ever want to show up on my server.


I have read about the light :sparkles: ran around on Siptah in the dark and had to pull a torch to find something no light followed me around on playstation maybe it is a option to be turned on and off. Out of town now will have to do some experiments playing on pve-c official. @Vahlok

Have to wonder what the gamma setting is for people that don’t see the light.

I want to turn it off because I always get issues with lighting going in caves an such.

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I want to about 1.2 .The game setting makes it darker than on my wife’s tv she was having to use a torch also. @DeaconElie

Well my character has this annoying halo around him. I was thinking some people might have set their gamma to make it less dark. Seems to me with the right gamma setting you wouldn’t see the light.

I dont like it one bit. Whats the point of even having darkness in game?
For players not seeing it, must have gamma settings really low, for me its very bright, dont need torch at all


I do think that this light aura should be settable so we have a choice to switch it off. The nights keep things ‘real’ out there. Certainly ups the nervousness of nighttime wandering and exploring. I do hope this is not a start of watering down the game.

Players can always change the length of the night on solo or private servers so this seems purely catering to Official servers?

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There’s a thread on this already, I posted a couple of pictures there… :stuck_out_tongue: I would be surprise if indeed people don’t notice, I rather think they just don’t know what to look for… as you can see it’s massive

In any case, Multigun released a mod to turn it off

The impression I’m getting from reading that post about it …
some clown seems to be pressing to turn this game into some kind of arcade game.
Maybe I’m being paranoid,
but if I didn’t know better, someone who has a long standing vendetta against FC was mistakenly hired into their ranks.


The bracelet now acts as a Pip-Boy. Did you never wonder where the world map comes from when pressing the M key? Only, the flashlight button is now stuck and cannot be turned off.

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Not sure if this is a toggle or something but I don’t see this light at all.
I have gamma set to 2 which seems to be default and can’t see jack shit at night without a torch on any map.

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For me is like from avatar movie, the ground is glowing, especially in snow.
I wish, I could turn it off.

Have not seen the light on ps5 yet just as dark as ever

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