New TestLive Dedicated Private Server

Greetings fellow Test-loving Exiles! Have you wanted to try out the latest TestLive build, but had no place to do it on an actual server, with no decay and no building damage?

Head over to
₮estLive AI BUFF & FOLLOWER LIMIT - 02/2020

In Steam, click View, then Servers.
Filters: Select Conan Exiles and Secure.
Allow the Internet list to populate, and this server will be near the very top of the list.

No Building Damage
PvP during standard raid window, 1700-2300 Colorado Time
2.00 X Harvest
4.20 X XP
4X Thrall Crafting
4X Crafting
4X Animal Taming
Avatars Enabled
No Decay, No Follower Decay
Standard Purge

PM me for the entry password. Anyone seeking help, including leveling, mats and followers to get a testing environment going, please report to the chest at H3.

Thanks for your interest!