New Thralls Bugged

Game mode: Online Unofficial RP Server
Type of issue: Bug
Server type: PvP
Region: North America

In the new update that included the scorpion mini-dungeon and The Sunken City dungeon, The Sunken City contains two one-skull NPCs that you can thrall: “The Watcher Above” and “The Captain Below”. These new thralls have 40k health and hit like a freight train! In fact, we took one around the entire map and killed every single boss in the game, and he walked out with half health. We made a video showcasing his power against one of the White Tiger bosses.

I really should stop revelling in their power and get to the point…when a server restart or shutdown happens, the thralls will lose all gear you have on them (“lose” in the regard that you cannot see it in their inventory, but it will still be visible on their model), their max HP becomes 100 rather than 40k, and you cannot place them or command them to follow you in any facet. In fact, their only use at that point is execution fodder for your blade.

I should mention that we have several of the new scorpion thralls, and they are fine after a server restart. It seems that these new thralls are way too strong, so maybe they aren’t supposed to be captured and become thralls, and that is the bug. Maybe the bug is that they shouldn’t be resetting this way on a server restart or shutdown. I’m not sure what the SRS on these NPCs are, but I’m sure that this isn’t intended functionality in some facet.

If you could please help fix this in a timely manner, we would appreciate it. We are capturing more of these thralls and just leaving them in our thrall wheel in the time being (they are unaffected by server restarts and shutdowns in there (we believe)).

Thanks for your time and consideration.

Please provide a step-by-step process of how the bug can be reproduced. The more details you provide us with the easier it will be for us to find and fix the bug:

  1. Capture “The Watcher Above” or “The Captain Below” from The Sunken City and place them in a “Wheel of Pain”.
  2. Take the thrall out and place them on the ground in the “Guarding” state. Validate their health is around 40k and that they have gear.
  3. Restart the server.
  4. Validate our findings that the thrall’s unresponsive, has 100 max HP rather than 40k max HP, gear is missing from their inventory (but is visible on their model), and is now classified as a “Performer”.
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they intend to fix them by deleting them (or making them performers wtih 100 hp :smile:) and gave a heads-up to not leave any gear on them because it may be lost. these bosses are clearly not intended to be thralls.

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