New update opinions STAMINA

I’d like to say at least they re making changed making the game more interesting. But they still have yet to fix some key issues like going through ceilings , didn’t fix the mace that one shots people on siptah forgot the name of it I just know you get it from delving bench, the stam might be an issue because why add sorcery and then make it completely useless by ruining the stam, at least if you got half corruption build maybe you should natural get a bit of stam or it shouldn’t be halved , that’s just my point of view . I think it’s great because there still be changes in builds. But there needs to be a balance funcom has struggled with balancing with a long time is like to say last 2 chapters are the best pvp I’ve seen in conan

They need to rework the stam like please it’s pretty bad lol I don’t understand it at all instead of reworking something that only need tweaking like daggers maybe should used more stam when hitting to avoid the spam , but every thing else makes no sense because now people will still resort to using daggers and weapons that use less it truly counter active , right now you can technically use any weapon and it’s viable. Maybe maces need a re work and javelins but everything else was fine now there is so many useless weapons imo. They should focus re working the menu, character looks, optimize the game fix hacks and exploits . The mace that one shots in siptah called the heritage , takes 20 times from delving bench to get but once you get it it 2 taps people

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