Ps5 Conan Exiles Bug/Glitch with Sword Of Crom they use Karuk pants Which gives them stamina back so they roll which gives them rolling thrust more damage plus after they roll then attack they loose no stamina and u get hit once and your dead

Ps5 Conan Exiles Bug/Glitch with Sword Of Crom They use karak pants which gives them stamina with rolling thrust they roll then lock on doing the running attack and attack with the heavy combo and you get 1 shot when they roll and attack with sword of crom or annialater they loose no stamina cannot fight aggainst a sword that 1 taps you a whole clan using it please fix this.

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Well i wouldnt call it a bug, more like a bad balancing change.
The special attack of 2 handed swords deals way to much damage, thats why it can one shot players with full vitality and upgraded heavy armor.
The Special attack needs to be nerfed

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No, it doesn’t need to be nerfed. You just need to learn how to fight.


Agree in the strongest possible terms. The Sword of Crom has had enough nerfs already. Its damage rating has already been nerfed from 121 down to 91, meaning it has already had a 25% decrease in power. No nerf; git gud. It is not hard to dodge a greatsword.


Yes I play pvp since the begin of Conan 2019 the need to fix the stamina of the attack you should no roll straight after the special attack with the sword And with lock on on official ps5 it’s hard to doge in . and if a full clan do this you can not fights this. So I agree on a change

I think you never play official against big clans with sword croms

What you are asking is absurd. Get better instead of crying nerf, because nerfing won’t help you from dying to the next method people find. Getting better will. Funcom keeps nerfing this, nerfing that and guys like you keep asking for more nerfs. When are you going to face that the problem is not the weapon, the stamina, the whatever you ask to be nerfed next? The problem is the player. If we were talking about a p2w situation, I would understand. You think the SoC is still OP? Get one yourself and deal with it.


It’s not something new. Sword of Crom can be glitched with the Abyssal armor as well in a certain build. Yet i don’t know if it’s a glitch or intentionally.
Although i don’t agree with one shots in pvp , the special of great swords no longer has hyperarmor, it’s unbelievable slow and it breaks with any light combo.
If you hold sword of Crom and your opponent a mushashi, you stand no chance.
And it’s not only Mushashi, great swords are as slow as hammers, very difficult weapons for pvp.

I personally vote always in favor against one shots, but sword of Crom after all these years do have a place on a players build both in pve and pvp.
So leave it be, it’s correct!

And durability just 450. Hanumans gada is more powerful than sword of Crom, it’s just hilarious heavy.
Hanumans gada can one shot as well.

Let them be, both of them, these weapons need immersion from players. They nerfed the spear and the war axe for a reason, pvp should not be only 2 weapons.


I agree on that we can use more weapons now and not only spear and axe but this special attack with sword it’s not goood for the pvp that your Stamina go right up after the special attack it’s roll and one tap your dead and there stamina go straight up I think if the change it if you do the special attack and you have no stamina like a punish. It’s much better

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With the low drop rate (it took me like 2 or 3 years to get one!) and this durability, I don’t think there’s a big issue here. :expressionless: The bigger issue would be duping the sword and stockpiling. You don’t nerf a weapon to fix a duping exploit.


It’s not the weapon but the perk. Balance the perks out better.

Perks are fine @erjoh .
Some people will always complain.
They’re the same for everyone.
Adapt and overcome.

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I got three in 2 weeks. But you need to farm the UC hard and have some luck.

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No, it isn’t. Nobody would ever use the special attack Ever. It would make you a sitting duck. Might as well remove it.
It’s a perfectly avoidable attack.

If Funcom went the path you guys want, soon we’de all be fighting with sticks. You believe a longer ttk will save you. It won’t. You’ll just take longer to get killed.

Yeah, it’s just all about RNG. I got like 2 after farming it like crazy… AFTER the nerf unfortunately. :expressionless:

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I have all three on stands, @jmk1999 . It’s mostly a gimmick weapon, presently. You miss the attack on pvp, you’re basically dead, even with rolling thrust.


Yup, mine is a glorified trophy as well. :roll_eyes:

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Perks are not fine. SAV dominates for because the perks aren’t balanced and even offer auxiliary benefits of other attributes and so PVP is stagnant with the same build and the same equipment.

Here were my suggestions when discussing exploited perks

To this part i agree worry not. It’s not so nice to regain or not loose stamina at all, holding this sword, it’s game breaking even in pve.
Yet, for God’s sake when pvp players will play
20 agil
20 vita
20 grit
Why you’re all so freaking blind, strength is useless!
With 20 grit, not only you can endure better than anyone, not only you have the best stamina pool but NOTHING can one shot you. NOTHING!!!
And please don’t lecture me for pvp in this game, not me. When everyone was playing full pvp build couldn’t kill me even if i was playing only full encumbrance and carrying just lion axe and strangely familiar. Yes we could escape fights back then but guess what, wasn’t me the one who run away!!!
Know your weapons and your build is the key, from pve to pvp.

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No. You will always have combat builds that will outperform other builds in… guess what? Combat!
What did you want? A gatherer build with no sacrifices? An all around build that could perform as well as SAV?
NO. The perks can always be refined, but most are right on the mark. SAV dominates as it should. It’s a very limited, combat oriented build. You sacrifice a lot in terms of practicality to run with a SAV build. It has to pay off.