Should the Sword of Crom be reworked?

As a weapon, I feel it’s in a weird state. I feel that it should be reworked in a more suitable state for players to use. The way I see, the Sword of Crom, should be used by max strength builds without the ludicrous stamina use. But that’s my opinion, what do you think?


@stelagel seems to have found an interesting build for the Sword of Crom. I cannot say that its within my playstyle personally. But taking down a boss in 6 hits sounds hilarious. :laughing:

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Sword of Crom is currently more useable for players than it ever has been since its introduction.

The only reworking it needs is a way to let thralls use it without being overpowered.

It’s in a surprisingly dominant state if you have mastered the fundamental battle technique of the current system.



Is it more usable? yes. In a good state of use? That’s up for debate. While I understand your issue with thrall use I think it should be reworked as a player only weapon. I would rework it as a max strength weapon and change the description to " This weapon can only be weilded by those with the strength and will to use it" followed by “Crom laughs at the weak willed” “By Crom!” This would make great sense lorewise.

I’m not a fan of jumping through hoops to make use of a weapon, especially when it’s an obnoxious playstyle like rolling.

While not crafted for or by Crom, this sword might as well have been. Incredibly draining to wield, it causes tremendous damage for each blow that lands.

It functions as intended. It should not be reworked to make it another generic weapon. It is a weapon with specific restrictions, and it is those restrictions that make it special.


Meh, honestly saying it’s special because it has restrictions is kinda redundant. Restrictions can make it interesting if it can still be of greater use like the predatory weapons that have great damage at the cost of your heavy attacks. But to drain all of your stamina for one swing unless you max out your stamina and have to jump through hoops to make use of it just feels unnecessary. Now it should be resicted to Max Strength and if we have to have a stam drain maybe we restrict it to the special ability. But that’s all I have to say.

With how fast stamina regenerates by default, I don’t see it being tough at all. Basically just wait for an opening, attack, move away or dodge, and repeat.

Welcome to the forum.
What i think about it @Taemien already said it. It is hilarious yet it’s a bit sweet as well :wink:, seeing such an hp amount to drop in a hit makes you feel beast :laughing:
What i have done with it is still on the way, but i enjoy it a lot. One of the things i’ve done is this :point_down:

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The hoops we are talking about are exactly the current meta.
If you aren’t using rolling thrust, you are making a deliberate decision to handicap yourself.

Now, this one personally agrees that it is an obnoxious state of affairs. This one has snarled at length about how undesirable this pseudo-souls-like combat flow is… But regardless of how obnoxious it is, that is still the way it is. Until that is addressed, anything that isn’t rolling thrust is a decision to ice skate uphill.

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Fair enough I suppose. I just hope it changes one day.

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This one worries that, rather than addressing the underlying problem, we are just going to get progressive spear nerfs.

Treating the most egregious symptom, rather than the affliction.

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Yeah thats true, unfortunately we are suffering from “hyperbolic developer syndrome” like always.:roll_eyes:

Yes, can oneshot players.


Sword of Crom still needs a fix so it can be displayed properly on weapon displays


Tbh i was damn sure it could. Thanks a million for confirming. Yet without hyperarmor it’s not so easy to apply this hit, except of course if the other player tries to use shield, then rip :rofl:. I am pretty sure mr Riddick you’ll find a way to use it :wink:. It’s not nice to listen “one shot” in pvp, but please allow me for once not to support any nerf in this weapon because i was waiting for years to use it in pve. I am really sorry, but i love it, i really hope you’ll understand me and respect my stance :blush:.

My pve build the last 2 weeks to train thralls

It most definitely is a one shot weapon lol… not sure if I can post links on here even if I’m on them but I will drop an inbox of a war we had a few weeks ago … its funny in pvp but also very annoying :joy: I don’t have any suggestions as to how they can fix it but il go with the flow when they do

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It already has been…

This is what the weapon looked like in AoS:

This is what it looks like in AoW:

Notice how previously the stamina cost was impossible to reach, so even with the lightest attack you always ended up with NEGATIVE stamina (not to mention the old grey bar).

Now, it’s actually manageable with a high stamina build and you can even build to where you can get off 2 hits in a chain, which was previously impossible…
Add in the ridiculousness of rolling thrust and the lack of a greyed out bar and the new regen speed… and you have quite a different experience as you had before.


I didn’t even know it got changed like that. Oh damn lol.

Great find there.