New user on Xbox X - Control

I’m a new user of Conan Exiles and a new user of using a games console - the Xbox X.

So far I’ve managed to walk out of the desert and following numerous ‘deaths’ I’ve used the cheat Admin Panel to keep my character alive. I can pick up wood rocks, and make a number of stone tools. Not that they have helped me to kill the boss crocodile. Perhaps that 'll come later…

I’m finding lots of web based resources which kind of look like what I see on the Xbox X screen, but it is not exactly the same. For example some mention the hotbar , but I don’t see one on the xbox. I can make a sandstone foundation, but try as I might I can’t work how to drop it into the landscape. The you tube videos just don’t go into the detailed explanation of what xbox x users needs to do to get the basis of a home/cabin to work. This is very frustrating!

Is there a book or detailed explanations elsewhere, to help a numpty like me? How to get me and my xbox x, get the best out of this Conan Exiles game?



First off welcome to the Forum. Alot of the video you will see is from PC players who have helped this game immensely
. I play on ps4 and we have a wheel with our equipment and building supplies to set a foundation equip to your wheel and hit L1 Xbox should be the same or similar experiment with raising and lowering height of your foundation you will get the hang of it. Plenty of people here will be willing to help.

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OK, there are several videos on YouTube how to start, but I will try to give you some help by typing.
Let’s start.
You spawn in the desert
You find a great stone in front of you with green letters, go read it.
Then one button must dodge, press it, then one button must kick, press it, climb the big stone. Gather stones, sticks, fiber. Fix your first tool (axe) , fix your first clothing. Open your inventory, go to attributes bar, invest your first points on grit, you will need it badly, not strength grit, now you are weak, you need to run. Open inventory again, go to feats, learn how to fix weapons, the torch and the wooden chest. Fix a weapon, a torch, bandages and a bedroll, use the torch. If you fix these now run to the water, drink.
Eat the bugs you gather from fibers.
Go out of the water in a safe place, place your bedroll, fix a campfire and place it next to your bedroll, open your map, you will have to remember the location of your bedroll and campfire, it helps, hit 2 or three trees with your axe to take wood and branches, if you need stones, the axe can gather some by hitting rocks until you fix your first pick.
Don’t gather a lot, just the necessary to fix tools and campfire. Fix a stone skinning knife (learn how to from the feats), take your sword and kill something, not an npc(human) a mob(animal, start with turtle mobs), use your axe to harvest it, you gain your first head(maybe), skin and meat. Put the meat in your campfire with wood for fuel, try to press buttons, one of it will start the fire, eat the meat you cooked, now you are lvl 6, you can learn how to fix daggers, fix the daggers, by using heavy attacks you cause bleeding, that means you still don’t need strength, raize encumbrance, agility and vitality. Go from the other side of the river. If you open the map you will see a small lake, over this small lake it has a safe place to stay and hunt for your first survival needs. Do not give points to survival or accuracy, late game builds.
Try to gather some stones with your pick, fix 4 foundations, 4 ceilings, 7 walls, one door frame and a door . Build your first box, it is necessary for the sandstorm. Fix your first wooden chest to put it inside your box and your bedroll ofcurce. You are saved, now that you managed to survive you can start how to build.
Welcome exile

Edit. @OctaviousWrex can you help please with the Xbox buttons, thank you


Yeah for now don’t fight that boss croc, players with a lot of experience in the game can kill them at very low level, but it’s very time consuming. Later you will be able to deal with them much easier, as they are one of the easiest world bosses (for me at least)

We don’t have the hot bar on Xbox, we have the radial wheel menu, which is a tiny bit slower but at least we have as many slots available.

To lay down foundations and other building pieces you will want to put them on your radial wheel and then select them as if you were equipping a weapon. This will give you a green ghost image of the piece and allow you to manipulate its height and angle before you set it down.

Many new comers find the game to be pretty brutally hard, so don’t feel bad. There is very little direction given to the player and plenty of things that all want to murder you.

For a new player I recommend building a small base and fighting shale backs (the weird upright turtles) and normal crocs.

You can also probably handle hyenas and southern human enemies, but beware because they almost always come in groups and can very quickly overwhelm you. Hyena in particular because they all cripple with every bite, which means running away becomes very hard

I hope some of this is helpful. Feel free to ask any specific questions or for clarification of any of my points is unclear.

Also welcome to the forum and the game @Magic !

Fortune favors the bold exile!


I can’t wait to try this out in the morning.



They have given you very good advice :+1:


Thank you all. So much useful information that I am starting to apply. In a few minutes I’ve managed to set the foundations for a base in the middle of the crocodile pond. The multi purpose buttons dependent on what 'm doing have be very useful in getting me started here.

I like to explore so being god does away with worrying about pesky wildlife. Not much in the spirit of the game but it gives me confidence to explore and make use of the resources without being wiped out bu a Hyaena or Croc.

Maybe at some stage I’ll try connecting to a server, but for the moment this single user set suits me. :slight_smile:


A little advice if you allow me ofcurce. The place that you want to build is a bit… wrong.
You see killing this boss and harvest it you get a skeleton key.
This skeleton key opens a chest with legendary weapons. You will see this chest in a rock inside the lake. So keep building there you will despawn either the chest and the crock. Not to mention that the crock boss will spawn a bit away and later on will visit your base killing your pets and guards. The worst? 90% of your purges will be imps or crocodiles, witch is not useful at all. On a bit I will send you a photo of a location to build that you will have no problems with the crocodile or the purges, and the variety of purges will be big.
Human purges are vital to this game and this spot has good chances of Asuras purge, whitch is easy and very rewarding.
If water is your problem, you can always fix a bunch of water skins, until you fix your water well.
In this location I always fix a tree house :wink:

This is the map location

If you fancy to fix a tree house, you just can’t imagine the possibilities of this game , here’s an example :wink:

Have fun m8 and don’t forget after you build your first bed, bedrolls are your best friends.

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