No captions in Hell and Bach quest line

Wicker appears each time you successfully use the seance circle, and speaks (not in a cut scene), but his speech is not captioned. Very disappointing for this hard-of-hearing player.

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I need to confirm, but if I recall correctly it should appear in one of layers in the chat box.

I sometimes have a problem sorting out mixed noise if there is too much going on so I often have to resort to reading afterward from the chatbox. Lots of “in game” dialogue is duplicated there.Give me 30 minutes and I’ll check…


My chat is set to:
Not sure which one matters; there are wiser heads on the forum that may know specifically…


My guess would be “say” based on the colour.

Thanks Pilch, I will test that the next time that I do the quest.

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Thanks! I never noticed all the tabs in the chat box. This will really help.

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