No hotfix / update in january?

Will there be no hotfix / update in january ?

I’m starting to wonder that myself since Andy’s confirmation of a hotfix in Jan. came BEFORE the announcement that they put new content on pause to fix and that would release in spring.

@AndyB can we get a confirmation of when the first fix will be released?

@erjoh and @akki1008

this is frome today


But there will be twitch drops :smile_cat:

Coming days. Could be tomorrow, could be a week before the heat death of the universe.

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Tbf, while we DO want fixed stuff, they have to throw in a new thing or two so the game doesn’t go stale in the meantime. It’s just good business. That being said, I wouldn’t expect anything super fancy or interactive. At least trinkets, at most wearable items. Don’t expect interactive items. The idea is to minimize new stuff that can cause additional issues.

They want to drop a nice trinket for us? Drop a fix to the UI/menu issues.

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I don’t disagree… however, sometimes you gotta appease the players who don’t understand that nothing new doesn’t mean the game is dead.

That being said, expect another reskinned placeable for two hours of wasted time on Twitch streams. :unamused:

If there isn’t at least the option of banning doors for wandering thralls, I would be very disappointed. It would also be nice to have a control for how far the Thralls are allowed to move away from their placement location, but that would probably be too much to expect.

Do things like this count as fixes or is this already new content? :grimacing:

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FYI,dev kit got its pre hotfix yesterday, which means the official one is immenent.

Define "imminent’ :smile:

No, that would be new content as it was never intended to be coded that way. So hopefully, eventually? But I wouldn’t get your hopes up in the immediate future. Maybe I’m wrong though? We shall see…:thinking:

Sooner than later.

Have you read it? Tell me how many of those fix any issues you are having?

I have not read it. I will this evening, when i continue my map mod.

I’m happy they’ve done some fixes but none of them address major issues.
Personally I’d like to see patch/fixes like this every month rather then a big fix in 3.

But funcom is going to have give me a boat load of reasons to play again. A bucket in the bay doesn’t do it for me. Not saying it isn’t a nice bucket.

When I just died from a lag, my thralls are still in the middle of the mound camp, the game crashes, then the hotfix installs… now I can’t get back into the game because the server doesn’t have an update yet… Waaaaahhhh

NA servers usually do a restart this time of day, BUT it’s questionable if people are still getting the notices it is.

Server restart was here ~3 hours ago

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What bugs me is that our Xbox brothers and sisters are still missing out. Wasn’t the intention of the release at the same time to normalize that all versions of the game are equally important? I mean I understand why the delay is there but should they have halted release to PC and ps until Xbox got certified?