Mid-January first patch?!

Is that really true? We will get the first patch in mid-January? I really can’t quite believe that. I’d just like to have this confirmed, if it’s possible.

At least fix the camels… ffs…

How can that actually be true? The update is in such an incredibly bad state. How could it go live? Let me guess, because of the new Battlepass and the Christmas period. Sure. Why am I even asking… . Management wants to read green numbers in December. Right?

I mean, it’s really easy for you to rip people off. Apparently there really were people who have equalised their negative Crom-Coin balance! I can’t imagine how stupid you can be. No wonder every bit of power and creativity goes into this Battlepass nonsense.

Then at least have the decency to release proper updates!

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Yeah Madness in finest Art

At least you can play I have the crom coins ban bug. They should of delayed going live if its this bad

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A little tip.

Don’t buy any Crom-Coins and simply don’t use the Battlepass and Bazar, then you can also play.

No the bug doesnt let you log in, you can’t even see the list of servers. I have my own server I never play on the official ones

I like qote famous red shirt guy from blizzcon:
“It’s a late April Fools’ Day joke?”

You have to get unbanned first.

Just like all the other updates before: money

It’s nothing special to get half completed content that will not get finished later on. Updates with game breaking bugs etc.

This is Funcom game development.


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