No maelstrom on PS4 private server

Game mode: [ Single-player ]
Type of issue: [ Other ]
Server type : [ PvE ]
Region: [ Latin America ]
Hardware: [ PS4 Pro ]

I’ve been playing The Island of Siptah for just over a week since launch and so far I haven’t observed any Outbreak, only Maelstrom occurs. Was this taken out of the game after the NPCs were inducted into the camps? Or is the only way to make them happen now is by activating the Telluric Altars?
Also, many of my thralls end up bugging into the ground or disappearing, apart from the other rendering and crashing bugs.

Let the game work as it should, with frequent Outbreaks as shown in Early Access. That the thralls don’t disappear or bug under the ground and that the graphics work as they were before the update where they were more stable.

Play Conan Exiles - Isle of Siptah on PS4?!

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There is a simular issue a ps4 had on Gportal site True and False have to start with capital letters fixed his problem. @Katanzarus

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@sestus2009 And where can I change this on PS4? In the administrator settings there is only an option to make changes to Maelstrom. Tks! o/

I have a Exiles server so I have not seen it on Gportal site. Let me see if I can find the thread

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