No more Legendary repair kits at Tinkerers bench?

I had set up a separate tinkerers bench with a named blue hammer armorer (Deyn of Kush) and was making legendary armor repair kits, after this last patch the option is gone. Please tell me this is a bug.


I can confirm this. I just wanted to add a topic complaining about this as i just noticed. There was nothing in the patch notes about it.
Frankly, this is getting ridiculous


I am wondering if others don’t have that issue or noone is making legendary armor patch kits :smiley:

when i put my existing armorer in the tinker bench, he had it, now i opent the tinker bench with the same armorer in it and it is gone

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Yea i tried all t4 crafters its not there i call it a bug

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Have not made any in a while, have boxes of them.
Now ya made me go look…


so where do you get the new ones in exiled lands?

weird i can still craft it with none of the new crafters.

I just checked mine: Tinkers Bench with the thrall: Hyam Hammerhand, Blue hammer icon. He’s a named blacksmith. He can craft legendary weapon repair kits.

On server 1940: Conflict PvE, Steam-PC.

The Wiki is Saying that only purge thralls can make them again, and armor patch kits are unmakeable. I tried with a purge armorer thrall and nothing. However the purge blacksmith still can.

Yeah I can’t either, and no one on my server knows how to craft legendary armor repair kits even the ones who pretty much have everything. Seemingly it bugged or something went wrong with the patch. You can only get them now from killing the bosses in unnamed city.

we are talking about armor patch kits

They are both in game now you need a t4 armorer and smith to make them if you have the recipe;.

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