No stamina regen!

No stamina??? or regen
Official server PVE 3049

Logged in and only had about 4mm stamina so by the time I had run downstairs all stamina had depleted and no regen!

I logged out whilst lying on a bed and ‘heard’ there was an issue in Oct. so tried the ‘fixes’ (interacting with bed before logging etc) also tried restarting and logging into other servers which are fine but still no joy. Can’t even get on mount to run across map to ‘refresh’ latest build (no jump point yet) so that will all go if I cant get there.

Any ideas when this bug will be fixed guys?

Can place items in hands from wheel but can’t use them with no stamina

Can’t use bandages or pots

Even have to drop off stairs to get on a bed which would be funny if bases weren’t at risk with the updated base decay rate :frowning:

RESOLVED by killing myself lol

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Stop interacting with the bed and logging out, that is what is causing it.

This has been bugging me for a while now as well. I will stop logging out on my bed and see if that fixes it. most annoying bug for sure.

Avoid sitting in chairs or lying on beds, especially when you quit the game. That seems to be what is triggering the issue. I stopped sitting in chairs and laying on beds when I quit the game and the issue does not happen. This has been the workaround for me and the people that play on my servers.

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