Dear funcom, we need more nordheimer focused content. More armors,more clothing. Something that fits the many nordheimers and cimerians in the Exiled lands. The aesir blacksmith and nemedian clothing is great but we need more of those. Aesir/cimmerian barkeeper set,Noble set and heck, even a actual nordheimer or cimmerian barkeeper!
There’s already a Vanir barkeep outfit. Was released alongside taverns. As for other outfits, there’s also noble and commoner outfits that fit a Nordheimer themed village available in the bazaar (when they rotate back in)
I know I got Aesir Chieftain, Aesir Raider, Aesir blacksmith, Vanir Shaman, and Vanir Chieftain from the bazaar. And the bazaar also has Nemedian peasant and noble outfits too. With a bunch of Vanir styled bar stuff, outfits and tavern guard armor as well.
Gjermundhu helm (freya’s end quest recipe reward)
Not to mention the whole Vanir Nordic catagory outfit sets that are in vanilla conan exiles and Nemedian DLC (didn’t realise they could be considered Nordic) adding another 3 sets, I imagine there’s more nordic cultural outfits then any other culture in the game as is.
I wish they wouldnt rotate things and would just give us a list of all the things we can buy. Its a pain having to wait for something to come on rotation, especially when what you want doesnt come out when you have the coins.
I know. Been waiting for the Nemedian bookcases to rotate in for months
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