Not drinking the cool aide anymore

They already got your money for Siptah.
Why would they bother improving it?

It’s incomplete, bug infested, and updated only in the most half @$$ed way.
By keeping it that way, it works to discourage others asking for another map.
Why would anyone want a repeat of the Siptah situation?


It’s an expansion, as you called it yourself.

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Good Customers are happy and express themselves positively to other would be customers.

That’s not me.

Maybe, but all content except the lore driven stuff and the new castle is also playable on Siptah. There is no difference.

And the devs said in their stream that the siege system is very fragile and still needs a lot of work. So what they implement with the next update is like a test trial. Siptah will get it too when it is in a state the devs are comfortable with to release it on Siptah.

Like many others said. EL is owned by everyone. And its not hard to create another character and play on both versions of the game. Its not that somebody is holding you back to hop on an EL server to get a first taste of whats to come in the nearest future or forcing you into stricktly playing Siptah.

People need to stop to treat Siptah as if it is the main map because it isn´t. It was never meant to replace EL. No matter if you call it expansion or dlc, its additional content to the game. Just because someone likes this map over EL doesn´t mean he can except to get the same treatment.


I will stand to what i saw in the Livestream…
1st Dennis didn’t want to talk about it
2nd Dennis gives an explanation… We wanted to focus in one map so the project will be presented correctly…
3rd Dennis again… We are going to do it on Siptah too, but we have some difficulties…

He didn’t want to say more, he didn’t want to promise more.

All i will say is this.

When Siptah got fixed consoles had no update for almost a year!!!
When Siptah was progressing, Exile lands stayed behind and we speak for a really long time.
When server transfers were running, exile lands was ruined by Siptah equipment and all the rest, in all the aspects of the game. People tend to believe that sigils are important on exile lands, they are not important even in Siptah :man_shrugging:.

But anyways, there is a correct point in this protest from the op…

So what? Again people who pay “more” should be thrown back of the line?
This is a wrong direction and wrong way to think or excuse anything!

The only reason Siptah does not have update is because they want to do it right.

If they present this update right that means that their new organization model works correctly.

If they fail (again :rofl:) that means that they will work over hours again to give something better to the players until they manage to make it perfect. Sorcery this year IS perfect, at least in the performance part.


I agree and support the protest of @Voc41, but i support as well the effort of Funcom staff to present an update properly.

Yet somehow Funcom needs to see a little different the priorities to the “good costumers and main supporters” because they feel a bit… I won’t say it but you all know what i mean!

Best wishes for a proper update.
Best wishes for an updated “flawless Siptah”


I have “paid more” and bought Siptah on day one.
It’s a nice map with interesting landscape. It was nice to visit it and play with new toys.

But Siptah was a flop.

They will not tell you that on the stream, but it was a flop and it’s time everyone moves on.
I personally do not feel angry that Siptah is ‘neglected’ as most people play Exiled Lands map and I went where people are.
Also we bought what we bought, devs are under no obligation to expand that content for free.

Nothing to see here, move along :slightly_smiling_face:

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Big No! For you maybe, i can understand and respect that, but generally A big No. Siptah is a magnificent map and they did a fantastic work. All the others are just empty whines for me.


I like Siptah too and it is gorgeous and paved the way for custom maps, and while I wouldnt use the word “flop”, I dont think it led to the “player engagement” that was hoped for.


This. Siptah has a special place in my heart as I returned to Conan once it was released.

I was in awe, the beauty, the lore, experiences were valuable.

EL will always be my favourite but Siptah enriched my CE experience.


OK I lurked enough.

1)Siptah is a separate game that requires both the base game and Siptah to run . It isn’t an expansion because you cannot attach it to a currently running game. It’s really that simple.

  1. Kurak and the new PVE siege is accessible for players who own Siptah. It’s in the base game which is needed to play Siptah. You have everything you need to play with these additions, you are just being stubborn and think they need Siptah counterparts…which they do not. The maps do not cross and there are items Siptah has that EL doesn’t and vice versa. Deal.

  2. What people want is Siptah development. Technically we got it with Stormglass additions but what folks really want is content change up in the Siptah map. The only issue here is that it’s a chicken and egg issue as far as business rationale. Siptah isn’t that popular and therefore development of future changes aren’t going to show realizations anytime soon. Even if it’s a bazaar paid item. But you can argue that Siptah isn’t that popular because of the stigma it has in that development ignores it. The idea that if you build it, they will come.

I, personally, don’t believe more development will change Siptah player numbers much. It was designed to be a battle map and has all the check boxes for a battle royale map. I haven’t met anyone yet that doesn’t agree it was designed for PVP and added PVE elements when folks complained (those southern islands and the adding of traditional thrall finds) It lacks the depth that EL has and that is why the majority of players still sit in EL. Nothing about this is going to change unless Siptah gets a complete remodel which isn’t too risky of a move and a large middle finger to the current fans of Siptah. HOWEVER, I do believe for continuity sake, Siptah needs a more fleshed out game path to leave the island. Bring back transfers between the maps but only toon, no gear, and only when you complete the escape story. You start on the other map just as naked as you would new player. Your character still got arrested and crucified or lost at sea with nothing on them.


Then you don’t remember correctly my friend. They opened the double servers in a single week. The first 2 months of release on consoles Siptah was 40/40. I could play Siptah in the very beginning because of that. On single player you were missing half of the spawns, it was just ps4 back then and the early releases of ps5, so it wasn’t a good choice to play Siptah single player.
After the exile lands “evacuation” merges started but ONLY onl exile lands map. Exile lands started to see people again after the server transfers, people who wanted to “cheat” with Siptah goodies on exile lands. Siptah started to loose interest after the Sorcery update, both maps had humongous issues but Siptah was way worst and still crashes on official and single player gaming, still, even in ps5!!! It has saving issues, multiple issues. I won’t name Siptah unplayable, but i won’t turn my back to this protest, it has some correct points.
Patience, yes i have a lot, you know that already, but this feedback must be given, it’s not correct for Siptah to stay behind.

So there’s zero indication to call Siptah flop except personal taste, because in general big No. The thing that can give a taste of flop on Siptah is the income. But again it was not the dlcs fault but the timing. They knew and they had humongous pressure from the community here not to charge it expensive. So we took this dlc ONLY with 20 Euros. If it was sold properly, 50 or 60 euros at least they would reach their goals. But Funcom gift us this dlc and anyone who doesn’t believe that they gift this dlc does not understand the investment, how much money they spend to fix this dlc.
So to this, yes, Siptah can be called flop.
It’s ungrateful!!!

Ps. No 60 euros is not a lot for Siptah and in the end we would all pay them, cry a lot but pay. I pay 80 euros (150 hrs) for Kratos and over 300 on bazzar since the sorcery update for useless decoratives, but i am not Rockefeller like @drukuku once said to me :rofl:.
Why i payed @darthphysicist? Because i love the f…g game that’s why and i will keep paying.

Exile lands is home :blush:


Ever since I played Siptah the very first time, it seemed to me an obvious thing: create the hardest trail, surrounded by the biggest monsters, with poison gas and other dangers, say at the top of the Volcano. Make it gated like in Midnight Grove’s contested areas.

From there you can make the choice: wash up on Siptah’s shores, never to return, or go back to the Exiled Lands. Like, at the very top, there’s a hang-glider made out of gorilla skin and thrall bones.



I meant it as a euphemism for revenue… yes lots of people used it (and still do) and love it, but that’s different than meeting anticipated sales…

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I believe that in current situation when the content is literally dripping once a quarter they should focus on Exiled Lands.

What do you see here? I see entrance to three separate dungeons. Who built these? What are they guarding? Nice place to port Siptah dungeons and add new enemies into Exiled Lands.

What is this place? Something lives under Unnamed City? Maybe some ancient creatures straight from Lovecraft’s novels?

There is a lot to do in Exiled Lands and since resources are so limited then works on Siptah should be limited just to necessary bugfixes.

Also this tells a lot. Only 7% of playerbase owns Siptah (I can’t believe that someone who owns this DLC did not ever go to see the Tower).

Ok it’s ‘only’ Steam, but somehow I don’t believe that there are huge crowds playing Siptah on other platforms.

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Extremely far from it. It’s clear that you don’t have any facts and are grasping for straws.

Keep trying

No I don’t want Siptah development.

What I want is for the Funcom developers to be held accountable for updates.

The initial roadmap for EVERYONE to see, that is still available with a simple google search.

Clearly states “Chapter 3 PvE Siege”.

It doesn’t say for EL only. It says PvE Siege.

Myself and everyone who plays on a Public Official PvE Siptah Map deserves to be outraged over this development.

The fact that they didn’t put EL only, shows you that they intended to put it on Siptah.

I just want the developers to own up to their mistakes.

Sorry @Bathory the developers don’t have the time for this. They have more important matters to focus on!

Siptah’s biggest contributions to the game was the Outfits, the building materials, its contribution to custom maps, and modding assets.

It was a fun map all for about 2-3 weeks but you either went back to Exiled Lands, or you played a custom map. There’s currently ~500 players on servers for PC right now. But a little more than half of those are on private servers with less than 10 players max with only 1-2 players on them.

This is ironic, because by not focusing any attention on Siptah, they are doing exactly that. A new map, by FC was not a good idea, it was a mistake, and they rightfully buried it in the past.

I’m sure everyone has fun with it on occasion (I know I did). But no one seriously considers playing there with any regularity.