Not drinking the cool aide anymore

This is in response to the Chapter 3 Live Devstream today.

Your failing the players. You have to stop ignoring Siptah. Why does Siptah get pushed aside so much?

1st we have the Nemedian Foundation bug and players everywhere lose everything, but followers.

Then Siptah is practically unplayable for all of AoW chapter 1 because of the Isle of Dusk bug. In response you turn off decay.

Then in the beginning of September we have the first of 2 thrall decay bugs. EL experiences the 1st thrall decay and Funcom makes it better by rolling the servers back.

Siptah has to wait a few extra weeks to get decay turned back on and unfortunately experiences that same thrall bug. Funcom doesn’t care about Siptah, so no rollbacks for you.

Chapter 3 of AoW dev release! Let’s get excited for PvE siege’s! We’ve been talking about them for a few months now.

Hey Siptah players! Guess what? Your not important to us and therefore your not getting PvE sieges.

What is the objective here Funcom? Do you want us to keep spending money or do you want us to stop playing?

I am grasping for answers to your current direction.


This was actually explained several times on these forums :slight_smile: But I’ll run through it again.

Basically Isle of Siptah is a finished and done DLC, it is sold for money as an addon, it is not part of the basegame.
So it’s behind a paywall and most players won’t have access to it.
Exiled Lands on the other hand is the “core” game map and as such it evolves with all the changes as the story evolves.

Technically they were never meant to get equivalent attention, the same way you don’t see them go back and add new armor sets to the already released and finished cultural DLCs, or other game studios going back and adding content to their DLCs.

However, despite the above Funcom actually seems to give it way more attention than what would actually be warranted, as they do make sure to add things to that map as well which help facilitate the new gameplay mechanics. (stuff like blood crystal sources, golem trainer, they even had khitan caravans… etc).
Normally most studios wouldn’t bother with any of those for a DLC. Also if you watched the devstream they actually promised to have a raidable fort on Siptah as well in a future update, currently they didn’t have the dev time for it.

Overall I don’t think it’s being neglected or pushed aside in any way, quite the contrary, I think it’s just the users having the false expectation of a DLC getting equal attention to the core game, which was never going to happen anyway.


They misguided players from the beginning when they released the AoW roadmap.

I do recall them stating that Chapter 3 was supposed to have a PvE Siege.

PvE is a game mode, not a map.

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To me, the bigger issue with siptah is the lack of patching involved. There’s a lot of bugs that shouldn’t be present in it that didn’t use to be there. Rather than patching it to account for things they broke due to the various updates, they’ve left it mostly in disrepair.


While Siptah is absolutely referred to and categorized as a DLC… When it was announced they called it an expansion.

I think this is where a lot of the misinterpretation comes from, because the assumption is that it is not just an optional DLC but many, myself included, thought it was an addition to the base game.

One can also scrutinize and call foul on its intention as a DLC when transfers were enabled. Not to mention your own analysis that they do in fact update it, usually most often, in line with EL updates.

Additionally there was 100% a P2W factor that all but required the purchase of Siptah in order to benefit from exclusive items on that map; especially in consideration of combat defense and offense in PVP. There were no base game EL equivalents by a long stretch to that of vault armors and weapons.

So what was the deal, I have asked myself many a time… then with the nerfing of vault recipes too little too late after the cessation of transfers.

While eldarium and Siptah gear does still exist on EL, all that nerfing really did was punish Siptah players. If it is in response to the P2W factor, why so late?

So ya, I agree that it is not part of the base game now, at one point it was envisioned as such and why I believe that idea still persists.

What comes with that erroneous idea is that they should give love to Siptah.

Ultimately I think Funcom should not give double standards here which they have demonstrated they do.


All the mechanics work on Siptah. The ages and chapters tho have a story, which is EL specific (even Siptah is in support of the EL story). If an age focused on Siptah, it would he catering to a subdivision of the players rather than everyone as EL is owned by everyone and can be experienced by everyone. Siptah is not being ignored in the sense that all mechanic changes apply to it as well. If you think of Siptah along the same lines as a Funcom made custom map, like the ones some of us produce (albeit much higher quality) it makes total sense.


I don’t want to make anyone angry at me but in my experience only a fraction of players own or play Siptah.
But all players own Exiled Lands. So in current circumstances I would rather prefer to have scarce Funcom dev resources focus on Exiled Lands rather than split them in half which will just make us wait for new content twice as long.

@Xevyr I know you make mods and I saw your posts in the dev stream.

With that said do you actually play the game?

What about all of the bugs and issues caused by the Nemedian Foundations and Decay Timers?

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I’d be curious to see what the breakdown is from a financial standpoint.

Unfortunately for this Development Team they have a history of lying to the community.

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Yea I do, not constantly as I play with another person and occasionally they want to take a break from this game so during that I either play a bit on a separate character or just do other stuff till they wanna start over again or something.

I know that there are a lot of mod authors who find their main entertainment in making the mods and don’t really play the actual game, but in my case that’s kind of backwards… I pretty much know this game inside out and I made the mods to compliment my gameplay (which is probably why my mods are typically a bit different and more “straight to the point”)

Now in the last months we’re taking a break from playing so I didn’t get to play as much as I’d want to in the last chapter, but I did spend a ridiculous amount of time with the community and supplying info for them so I’m pretty much in the loop. In fact I did make a decent amount of bug and exploit reports some of which are getting fixed now (hopefully).

I am more than certain that Funcom has learned a lesson from both of those incidents… They were separate types of issues btw, so while it was unfortunate that they followed one another, they weren’t related… well unless you count their employees being a bit overworked and possibly less attentive due to all the deadlines.
Unfortunately these things happen, but I hope they won’t happen too often.

Again, not so much lying as they’re unable to deliver due to circumstances outside of their control. That’s why they very often are reluctant to answer questions, because every teaser or hint might be taken as a hard promise by players and then they try to hold them accountable for it.

This new Age format pretty much kept them on their toes the whole time… You’re probably not aware, but a lot of the things that were revealed today were planned for much sooner… they simply couldn’t meet the deadlines.
For example these barkeeper and patron thralls… I think they were meant for chapter 1 actually, they just couldn’t fit it in…
And the whole transitioning of crafter thralls to followers that they mentioned today… That was meant for Age of Sorcery and has been pushed back ever since…

A number of forum users called them out on this several times that these 3 month cycles seem to be unsustainable and they need some additional time to actually fix issues and properly space out new content a bit more.
Hopefully now that they’re adding a 4th chapter and will try to alternate between focusing on new content and refining and fixing old content, they’ll have a better shot at actually getting done what they planned.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying there aren’t issues, I’m just saying a lot of it was not in the hands of the actual dev team, but rather coming from upper management.

In any case, to me it looks like they’re definitely trying, both on the community and the gamedev front :man_shrugging: I know that a lot of people have “given up” and became a bit bitter, but I still haven’t lost hope :slight_smile:


As a DLC i should be able to bounce a toon between the 2, without inventory, so i can treat it as a dlc. Having to level and have that toon stuck there makes it more of a standalone map, not connected with exiles at all.


It’s all good. I learned a valuable lesson today about Funcom and I am no longer going to “follow blindly”.

They don’t hold themselves accountable. They don’t care about their players. They don’t care about the time invested in their game from the players. They don’t follow through with promises.

Bugs, Glitches and Unfinished updates are the norm here.

Not completely shocked with today’s news of Siptah being left out of another big update.

Siptah is an optional expansion pack. It’s not the base game. It won’t get as much attention as the base game in regards to flashy new stuff every update. If you want to play with the new stuff, play on the Exiled Lands. If you want to experience the new stuff, but stay on Isle of Siptah, play single player mode and transfer your character back and forth between both maps.

How about no. As a person who bought Siptah, we are allowed to come on forums and request stuff for that map. Why do you not want is to have nice things to? It comes off as selfish.


I own Siptah as well, I’m just being realistic.

No thanks.

I’ll keep playing on the official PvE server that I have been on for 2+ years.

I will continue to expect the same updates on both maps. The original and the expansion.


And they’ll keep ignoring your desires for Siptah. You’ll keep playing, and generate value for items you don’t buy by making them more enticing for the players around you.

You are the best customer. And they thank you for it.

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The Isle of Siptah is NOT part of the base game. It’s optional downloadable content. If it was baked into the base game, sure, I’m all in for Siptah upgrades. But it isn’t.

No one is asking for Siptah specific updates, but the fact on officials you cant use the same toon, means itnis a stand alone game based on the exiles engine. Why, again, is it so bad for someone to voice ON A FEEDBACK forum desire to to have some love for that map? Why does it make some of you lose sleep figuring ways to squash any voice that really doesn’t affect you?