Exile lands is our first map. You can easily say that because of that only, it is a hard competition against Siptah.
But this is not the reason
Exile lands is a rough, difficult but wonderful map with endless beloved land scapes
Siptah is a beautiful horse map with beautiful land scapes so …
This is not the reason
Exile lands is a bigger map, but it has teleport, so…
This is not the reason
Exile lands has dungeons, but Siptah has vaults, so…
This is not the reason
I can go on to all these known differences, that makes each map wonderfull for different reasons but there are 2 gaming habits that Siptah don’t offer as the exile lands did the time I spend on this map.
1st knowledge
Siptah map has, I don’t know, 95% maybe of the knowledge that you gain based on rng? This particular detail is I believe wrong.
You know, when I started this game on exile lands years ago, making baby steps to explore this beautiful map, with great losses and disappointments at the end I was feeling rewarded when I finally find out that this area I explored had to give me something after all, so no matter the loss that I could farm back always, I was happy for gaining knowledge. This was giving me the feeling that if I keep playing the game, no matter the loss, I would finally feel a specialist in this game. So I kept going, no matter the loss, to learn everything, to see everything, the game was trolling but feeding at the same time my ego, keep pushing me from cliffs, giving me creeps from a feeling that no, I will die now, I should not die, just not yet, I didn’t get my knowledge yet, hey, where did I put my berdroll? My blood pressure was rising, my fingers were loosing buttons from my stress…
Wonderful gaming days, rewarding from every aspect, not only from the gaming side, because you finally reach your goal, you had the knowledge now, but all this excitement by playing just a single player game? Awesome…
And when you took the decision to go online and play with others to measure… You again find out that you learn just the basics, you have to learn more and more and more. Things you just didn’t notice, you just passed them by, but someone else did, so playing online was making you happy again, because every time you were playing with someone else you were learning something new and you were omg 🤦🏼, there’s more?
But finally, after playing all the aspects of the game, from pve to pvp, you knew it, you were a specialist at the end, you could break the game now, put it in ff, so you can help a pvp clan, or a pve friend in a different server to gain knowledge easy, because devs fixed the game so excellent and rewarding for people that want to stay in this game by creating paths, safe paths, for knowledge running . So I adore them for this and I cannot thank them enough…
So… this is missing from Siptah… Sorry… For both of us.
2nd named crafters
Named crafter in both maps are rng based, Siptah actually has surge too that could give an advantage against exile lands but… It doesn’t.
Sourge in online servers is wrong, you know for someone to farm??? and summon a tier 4 sourge is not easy. But when you go to start this sourge, sourge chasers are spawning like d… s to steal or kill your sourge … On pve servers… Yes… I farm my a… So someone else can take my armorer… Nice…
So you say, f… K the sourge I will farm the camps
3 months for 3 named crafters… I feel awesome 🤦🏼. The funniest? Named crafters have so low hp pool, if you accidentally 2 shot them they die… Beautiful…
In any case this is just how I see things. It is just how I feel.
Siptah map is a beautiful map, a stunning job, it’s only these details that makes it less in my eyes. I would love things to be different, please consider this as a simple gamers feedback, nothing else.
Thank you.