Why Exile lands is better

Exile lands is our first map. You can easily say that because of that only, it is a hard competition against Siptah.
But this is not the reason
Exile lands is a rough, difficult but wonderful map with endless beloved land scapes
Siptah is a beautiful horse map with beautiful land scapes so …
This is not the reason
Exile lands is a bigger map, but it has teleport, so…
This is not the reason
Exile lands has dungeons, but Siptah has vaults, so…
This is not the reason

I can go on to all these known differences, that makes each map wonderfull for different reasons but there are 2 gaming habits that Siptah don’t offer as the exile lands did the time I spend on this map.

1st knowledge
Siptah map has, I don’t know, 95% maybe of the knowledge that you gain based on rng? This particular detail is I believe wrong.
You know, when I started this game on exile lands years ago, making baby steps to explore this beautiful map, with great losses and disappointments at the end I was feeling rewarded when I finally find out that this area I explored had to give me something after all, so no matter the loss that I could farm back always, I was happy for gaining knowledge. This was giving me the feeling that if I keep playing the game, no matter the loss, I would finally feel a specialist in this game. So I kept going, no matter the loss, to learn everything, to see everything, the game was trolling but feeding at the same time my ego, keep pushing me from cliffs, giving me creeps from a feeling that no, I will die now, I should not die, just not yet, I didn’t get my knowledge yet, hey, where did I put my berdroll? My blood pressure was rising, my fingers were loosing buttons from my stress…
Wonderful gaming days, rewarding from every aspect, not only from the gaming side, because you finally reach your goal, you had the knowledge now, but all this excitement by playing just a single player game? Awesome…
And when you took the decision to go online and play with others to measure… You again find out that you learn just the basics, you have to learn more and more and more. Things you just didn’t notice, you just passed them by, but someone else did, so playing online was making you happy again, because every time you were playing with someone else you were learning something new and you were omg 🤦🏼, there’s more?
But finally, after playing all the aspects of the game, from pve to pvp, you knew it, you were a specialist at the end, you could break the game now, put it in ff, so you can help a pvp clan, or a pve friend in a different server to gain knowledge easy, because devs fixed the game so excellent and rewarding for people that want to stay in this game by creating paths, safe paths, for knowledge running . So I adore them for this and I cannot thank them enough…
So… this is missing from Siptah… Sorry… For both of us.

2nd named crafters
Named crafter in both maps are rng based, Siptah actually has surge too that could give an advantage against exile lands but… It doesn’t.
Sourge in online servers is wrong, you know for someone to farm??? and summon a tier 4 sourge is not easy. But when you go to start this sourge, sourge chasers are spawning like d… s to steal or kill your sourge :man_shrugging:… On pve servers… Yes… I farm my a… So someone else can take my armorer… Nice…
So you say, f… K the sourge I will farm the camps
3 months for 3 named crafters… I feel awesome 🤦🏼. The funniest? Named crafters have so low hp pool, if you accidentally 2 shot them they die… Beautiful…

In any case this is just how I see things. It is just how I feel.

Siptah map is a beautiful map, a stunning job, it’s only these details that makes it less in my eyes. I would love things to be different, please consider this as a simple gamers feedback, nothing else.

Thank you.


@stelagel if Crom grants you a Two Shot bow it works better than a truncheon especially when NPC,S are backed into hard to get spots. I have even left a few laying around on my server to let people figure out what they are good for.


And yes I wish there was something beside s RNG for recipes on Siptah.


With servers transfers you can get the best of both maps :slight_smile:


I agree with most of your post, but I see Siptha with a diferent light, to me it seens like a a video game version of Conan Exiles.

But what madness is a video game version of Conan Exiles? Remember old games like Golden Axe? This is what Siptha feels like to me, Golden Axe being played on Conan Exiles engine, you pop some head, get loot. I’m not saying it’s bad, but surely it’s different, and needs a different mood to play than say exploring Exiles’ original map.


It has snow, that’s what makes me love it lol
Siptah could go for a winter area and less pirate crap if you ask me


Interestingly, my biggest complaint with Siptah is almost the direct opposite. For me, much of the time colours seem washed out/greyed, and the world feels less vibrant - though mostly this comes down to my issues with it feeling constantly flipping between too dark and too bright. I understand a need to use lighting to create atmosphere, but feel that it is a bit like that phase back in the 90s when tv directors became so obsessed with using darkness for ‘atmosphere’ that you couldn’t see what was going on for half the episode.

I’m another one that has returned to the Exiled Lands - for me it is mostly about the lighting, but the rng certainly contributes as well. That said, I think there is a lot of fun to be had on Siptah, I really enjoyed some of the vaults and new stuff (and the Pools - except for the Kryllandian :wink: ). But there is something about the Exiled Lands that keeps me coming back. It’s not perfect, there’s definitely times it can frustrate me a lot, but I guess maybe it’s home :wink:


@DanQuixote , It will always be home. As I stated we loved this game on this map, every rock knows our pick :rofl::rofl::rofl:.
Siptah is beautiful, the content is very big, huge actually and I love it. The lack of teleport ofcurce slows things down, but it’s a pvp world mostly and an extra content. I don’t believe that Siptah came to go against exile lands, it would be silly. It came just to add more content and I am grateful. I really love Siptah. You know the sky, the stars in the night are so clear, so beautiful, like an actual island. No matter if in Playstation we have rendering issues, I just always wait a bit so every single thing is clear and enjoy the landscape. The view in some places is breathtaking. Their job is fantastic. I cannot wish for better. It’s just these 2 parts that’s holding the great experience to be awesome.
All this time we learned a bit different, by giving hours and hours on exploration and having reward. The rewards in Siptah is materialistic. Flotsams can give you at once items you would need weeks farming to gain in exile lands. Items that you may need weeks to gain in El like the hyena maul cleaver, you gain them just like that, etc…
Knowledge in some points must not have so much rng base, we could have some recipes, there waiting for us to gain them every single time we visit, like the primitive armor.
And named crafters, we should have more spawns, it shouldn’t be so devastating.
Or we could have an option to bubble the shrine we started a sourge, allowing to none to enter the sourge we started except clan mates.
On pve servers some things must remain pve, the way surge works right now is trollers joy. And trolling is nice only for the one is doing it, so it’s bad :man_shrugging:.
I cannot expect this post to change anything, I love the game and I will keep playing it, I just mentioned what I really miss here. I know in my guts, that Siptah has a lot of secrets to reveal to me, I am only playing this map some months.
I will give it more time.

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Well…: it is an island….

Idk, I see where people are coming from but after as much time as Ive put into the EL map, it takes no time to get all the recipes with a new character. So I dont really care one way or another on the rng aspect of things. In a 1000 hrs, you’re gonna get anything you want from the game.

If Siptah suffers from anything in my opinion its from having large areas of “sameness” as opposed to the way the EL map is more chopped up with little zones. For example, even though its all desert area, the area around the black galleon is distinct from the area north of the dregs is distinct from the area around the Summoning place, and to me that’s just a consequence of the EL map being just bigger; bigger in the true walkable space department whereas Siptah’s “size” kinda includes a lot of water which isnt the same.

Id also say one more thing about Siptah vs EL that is just a feeling I have; EL feels like something happened and I’m discovering it by talking to crazy people, ghosts and reading stones. Siptah to me, feels like something is going to happen but doesn’t. It has all the stones and notes and some interaction, but the de-emphasis of the storm to me is the part that lacks, but I blame the consumers on that one…


Exiled land is a really well made map in general. The way it flows from high elevation in the north to low elevations in the south helps sell the different biomes as more logical than pretty much any game I can remember.

Add in that the desert as a byproduct of magic and that helps even more. It’s kind of like New Zealand but with a magic desert.

The way the rivers flow further add to this, as you can follow water sources amazingly far as they flow from high elevations

Elder scrolls had amazing environmental story telling, where a few items in the right places can easily tell an interesting mini story.

The Witcher tells grand stories with interesting NPCs and quests.

But I honestly feel like the map in Exiled Lands map is more fun and more interesting than the maps of either of those aforementioned games, both of which I hold in high regards.

There are a ton of things that you can complain about in this game, but for me the game map itself is damn near perfect


Exiled lands has at least some stuff to explore and find and rewards you. Why explore a sandbox world if you find nothing? That is the Witcher 3 problem. Much in Exiled lands you see was not finished or later broken. There are many places where you feel originally should there come lore, story, something to find. But never finished. Just placeholders. But at least there IS much stuff to find.

In Siptah you find chests on top of high towers with gold and silver which is totally useless as gold and silver is everywhere. You find pillars with writing but no lore on it. Though even Exiled lands isn’t nearly “finished” and was just given up at some point, it has the well thought basic map (funcom starts strong and then loose interest, ever, in every game) and much to explore.

Why explore a map in an exploration sandbox game if you find nothing than same looking stuff and bad RNG? Then I better play Elder Scrolls online or something. It makes no sense for a sandbox game.
The only sense of Siptah might be the PvP as all resources are more or less equal to find. PvE/RP wise Siptah has absolutely no worth.

Still they abondoned Exiled lands and further, make new mechanics which destroy the Immersion and function on Exiled lands more and more. Cause Funcom ever looks forward, never back.
At the end, pvp players are unsatisfied, pve/RP players are unsatisfied, and you begin to fear each change on the code Funcom does.

Basically, the new Funcom crew has absolutely no clue what a sandbox game has to be or what Immersion means. And this shows in Siptah very well. It is now a bad copy of Exiled Lands. What is new is annoying. And not 1 spot I found which mad with real love.

What I mean with “real love”. I loved in the past to play “Fallen Earth”, a meanwhile shut down MMO in a Fallout-like world. Everywhere you found sarcasm and strange ideas. Like here in Conan the legendary lieing bastard sword with the attribute “it lies”. This is “the love” for useless nice goodies. Those goodies make immersion. Immersion is the base source of sandbox. Funcom seem not even to understand this anymore. They industrialized updates and cosmetic DLC’s, and come on, the latest DLC has a great basic theme but was realized without any love. Look at the fundaments. They show pretty nice “who cares”. 100 carpets but only 1 statue. not functioning fences. It says: “gimme your money and shut up” to a point even the dumbest realize that FUncom doesn’t care anymore about this game.

And this is Siptah, and you feel it.


ofc I speak of my sight of view. Basically you don’t argue, you negate and avoid argumentation by not take at least one topic from my post, instead go on a personal stage “my wife and I like it” and “many you know who have a blast playing this game in all facets”. Especially you play “CE”, means Siptah or Exiled Lands or both? Which of both you like more?

I personally like the basic game design of Conan Exiles too. I like the crafting and building, the sandbox , the map. This doesn’t mean that you can’t dislike Siptah, unfinished map parts, not functioning parts of the map, many non fixed bugs, and the way Funcom works.

and this: “We know a lot of people who have a blast playing this game in all facets.”
You really think you can say that people you know like something “in all facets”. Absolutely everything, all?
Well, I think noone can say this about other people. But you set your points “me, my wife, many people, all in all facets is totally fine”. Which is a very blasting strong, but not believable, point. At least for other people you include. But if you look at the SIptah review side you can find what people think of it, and this is far from blasting.

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Ain’t that a big truth. I don’t remember a game holding me sooo much. Never. Still I believe that actual feedback is to have all the opinions, there for I respect @copaysegundo for his thoughts, it is the least I can do, or most. We are all different persons, in different ages, seeking different things in our playtime. So we cannot agree to everything.
My post is not more than a testimony, I believe that some things need second thoughts, yet I stated that I still have a lot to learn by Siptah.
However, for example, we have an attribute system so we can fix our builds for different reasons. How much time a player can stay in this game with the same attributes. Isn’t it wrong that I cannot use this mechanic of the game because my rng is bad? @Selene01 said travel to exile lands but, unfortunately in consoles we still can’t. So isn’t midnight alchemist an important feat of this game? Why 3 months after I have to stay with the same attributes every day? What is the point of having armor recipes that I cannot use since I cannot change my attributes?
The game IS the best… For me.
I just believe we need to reconsider some things to make it more pleasant for a player or less frustrating. We need to have some things out of the rng roulette. We need to see some mechanics behaviors that feeds trolling attitudes, it is very important for the general flow of the game. At least in my eyes, maybe I am wrong.


I would never consider to give the “hot potato” of my opinion to another guy, like you.
And I thank you for respecting my opinion, this is nowadays mostly nothing many people can take, another opinion, maybe a critical one. We are not so far away from each other, just that i maybe am older and more pessimistic about stuff being done which never was done. It normally never will be done, that is called life.

And be thankful to have not the export function as it often bugs and destroys your char. And later you have to be very careful about respecs.

btw if you want to respec you can farm potions from special enemies, that isn’t hard.


Thank you for your contribution. As I stated a lot of times every opinion counts for a feedback post. We can only give our opinions and let the decision to them. I really wish they will get to the point to make every single player happy. I wish…

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I love :sparkling_heart: the Exiled Lands map just because it has a lot of desert :cactus: (I really like such areas in games). The Isle of Siptah map only has sandy shores, so I can’t say I truly love it - although it’s great anyway :star_struck:

Since I’ve spent a lot of time on both maps, I can share my feedback now (thanks to @stelagel, I don’t have to create a new topic :hugs:). Sorry for the length of the post - I kept it in myself for a long time.

The only sin :smiling_imp: of the Isle of Siptah map is that it is not the Exiled Lands map :dizzy:

What I want to say? Everyone who played Conan Exiles and new players (who took part in the Free Weekend) and decided to buy a Isle of Siptah map, imagined it by what they already knew - liek basic Exile Lands map…

...a map that has:
  • Diverse terrain biomes (deserts, forests, jungles, snow, volcano…)
    • Divided into hot and cold zones.
  • Varied dungeons (underwater, completely in dark, hunting grounds, lava surrounded, frozen…)
    • With lots of lore, various rewards and different mechanics.
  • Basic gameplay loops and mechanics (thralls in camps - broken on the wheel of pain, bosses with chests nearby, fast travel system, sandstorm, green wall of death…)

Just like a person who wants to buy a new car, does not expect to get a three-wheeled vehicle without a rearview mirror, with space for a washing machine :eyes: Especially if that person has already purchased previous version of a car from this company. The person may feel confused (or even anger). This is how Early Access players could feel.

Fortunately, a significant part of the missing elements has been added to the Isle of Siptah map (and some part removed).

As you all wrote here, a few more elements are missing, such as snow-covered area, or variation in the dungeons (crypts) :sweat_smile: I hope that this has taught the devs something and the next maps will have everything that is in Exiled Lands with some unique elements, without the sins of the predecessor (the Isle of Siptah) :crossed_fingers:


:spiral_notepad: Also, any new mechanics they add to Exiled Lands will have to be added to all future maps - lest no one complain that the base game has something they haven’t add to the expansion (map). Which may mean that adding anything to the base (Exiled Lands) map will be unprofitable risk. :sweat:


As an online player who has to decide (devote) to play mainly on a one map. I wouldn’t choose to play only on the Isle of Siptah. I would try to be there as short as possible, or buy recipes that can be unlocked there from other players.

But as a singleplayer player, Isle of Siptah is like the new terrain of the Exiled Lands map to me. I jump from one map to the other :left_right_arrow: without worrying that the buildings on the one map will decay :relaxed: Siptah it’s the perfect expansion for the Conan Exiles (singleplayer) game :+1:

I think that the appearance of the Isle of Siptah map is the beginning and that is why every feedback is especially important now - please write more and keep going. :writing_hand:


Thank you for all the beautiful colors you bring to every single post you make. I always enjoy them. :+1:t6:


Good that you mention it. :star_struck: I remember in one stream they said they want to move some of these events/activities from the Isle of Siptah to the Exiled Lands. And which ones exactly, it depends not only on whether they will find the time for it, but also on the feedback provided by the players. :smirk:

I’d love to see rescuing thralls and prayers spots in the Exiled Lands. A place to get an eldarium would be nice too (but it should be hard to get). This would allow us to stay on the Exiled Lands map without having to go back to the Isle of Siptah - once we get recipe there, we might not go back (for eldarium) if we don’t want to. :wink:

At the beginning, I played online with two characters (one on each map), so my play time was divided. Which means no purge at all. :no_mouth:



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Allow me to politely disagree. The biggest sin of the Isle of Siptah is precisely that it didn’t stick to being “not Exiled Lands”.

Siptah had a unique idea. It had different gameplay loops that meshed together and depended on each other to create something that Exiled Lands didn’t have.

But people kept complaining about how it’s not like Exiled Lands and Funcom decided to listen and broke what was unique. What’s left is… well, I know it sounds harsh, but it’s a husk of what it was and a ruined monument to what it could have been.

I wasn’t talking about the visuals, by the way. I found Siptah stunning while I was playing it. I missed the variety of biomes, but Siptah was so beautifully crafted that I didn’t mind that as much as I thought I would. I don’t know if it still looks as awesome as it used to, because I haven’t been back to Siptah since the end of early access.

I just can’t get back to it because of the excessive RNG. I’ve ranted about RNG and Funcom’s overreliance on it way too often on these forums, so I’m not going to repeat all of that. Suffice it to say that there’s nothing on Siptah that makes it worth – for me – to have to tolerate so much RNG.

During the early access, I was willing to tolerate that RNG because I thought it was a placeholder and because Siptah had novel mechanics that engaged me. It was a diamond in the rough: it needed a whole lot of work, but it was unique and showed great promise. Sadly, there were just too many voices complaining about how “this is not an expansion” because Funcom didn’t expand the Exiled Lands map.

Not that I blame those voices. You know that quote attributed to Henry Ford? “If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.” Well, in this case, it’s Funcom who decided “they’re right, let’s turn this prototype car into something that trots like a horse and neighs like a horse”.

I wish Funcom had stuck to that old Japanese proverb: “If it looks like miso and smells like miso, it is not the best miso.”