Not happy with the last update

i want back the old rocknoses the new look is a no go for me.
please more realistic breast physics,they look like hard plastic
please less fog it looks not good
and please the night is much too dark a torch is not very helpful cant see far with it
hope u will do some improvements
my fun with the game is at zero point now,conan was my favorite game i have over 7000 hours playtime but now i`m sad about some of the changes u made.
Very sad that u kill my fun with my favorite game.

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[sarcasm] Remember: always declare how many hours in the game you have, or any discussion will be terminated.
All people with less than 1500 hours of experience wil be feeded to Yog [/sarcasm]

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I like the bew darkness. Much better than what it used to be before. I also like the fog. So players have different taste. Many things they implemented that i dont like, many things I like. Thas just the way it is. But if u stopped enjoying it because of new fog then i dont know what to say to you.

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