NYR E17 6-man completed

NYR E17 has been completed with 7 players earlier, but now we wanted to see if it would be possible to do it with just 6 people? 2 tanks, 1 healer and 3 DPS? Well, apparently it is! :partying_face:
13th of February, 2022 we finally managed to kill Lurker in E17 difficulty with 6 people.
Our setup was as follows;

Dr-Levsky - solo healer with Clean Up and Opening Shot
Theck - tank with permanent expose + debilitated
Ectawem - lonely tank alone in his own group, with own cleanse
Vortex1 - DPS + Alex pickup
Tomeee - DPS + Zuberi pickup
Tipsu - DPS + Rose pickup

Video links
Theck the Tank
Tome the DPS
Levsky the Healer

Oh and before someone asks, we had 10.8 seconds left on the enrage timer