Official PvP servers keep gear on death

70% offline raiding, 20% troll bombing (8 at a time naked), 5% exploit seiging (melee fighters running some kind of stam glitch or “waiting” for server to go into no damage mode), 3 % ganging, 2% the actual spirit of the game. But close :slight_smile:

I think that Dark Souls is a pretty hardcore game, whether its PvE or PvP, but you don’t lose everything you have after being defeated in a single encounter and it’s still renowned as one of the hardest game series around. Conan shares a lot of similarities with that that game, but mechanically Dark Souls has more to offer and is more engaging without being as grindy or tedious.

Conan Exiles lacks depth; its a sandbox that requires you to bring your own sand. As a solo player there’s no content for me to do; the only experience for me is to build a base and have it raided while I’m not there.

You are describing a game where nearly every encounter is fatal if approached poorly. If Conan Exiles was even remotely close to Dark Souls in terms of difficulty, I would completely agree. However, it’s in another stratosphere, so I don’t think that’s a good example for your argument.

Similar gameplay, but totally different games, one is hack&slash story driven, other is multiplayer survival, so you can’t make one game look like another because their proposals are different, if you dont like the idea of loosing stuff, you shoudlnt play survivals involving PvP in first place, there are already plenty of coop/pve games and even PvP casual like For Honor and MMO’s.

It lacks indeed, and I think this is because Funcom did not wanted or had time, because for exemple, with Thralls, having a deeper interaction with them, “city life”, it would enrich by a lot the depth on the game.

Does anyone have any arguments besides

“If you don’t like it, don’t play it”

Ok. We have already established that. Yes, I am already not playing the game, thank you. You’ve already won that argument. I am in fact not playing the game anymore.

The problem is that I like a lot of the core gameplay, but I’m tired of a lot of the grinding. I want to spend less time grinding and more time playing.

I don’t believe that GRINDING is content. Not having to replace a high end acheronian pick or a star metal axe would greatly reduce the start up time and allow me to actually access the enjoyable aspects of the game; building and defending structures, battles with other players, duels, raids, or sieges.

There just isn’t a server in this game for me; PvE is boring because there’s little reason to build defenses, as the purge hardly ever works and the content that’s there isn’t engaging and you will quickly run out of content. PvE-C has the same issue and you’re limited to when you can engage other players. The problem with these types of servers is that PvP gives meaning to the structures that you build, otherwise they are just meaningless decorations. Yet Official PvP servers are far too ruthless, and unofficial servers are far to forgiving with 6x resource gathering or moderation that prevents anything that seems “unfair” from happening.

I want something in between that; a server that’s chaotic and unorganized but at the very least won’t take the shirt off your back once you’ve been fully beaten. So at the very least, you won’t lose your progression - much like in a MMORPG game, and I think that Conan Exiles more closely resembles that then it does a hardcore survival game.

Isnt that a fact? This will come up everytime someone moan about an online game, seriously, I dont know how much time you’ve been around, but you end up getting used to this kind of argument, and never again having someone mentioning it to you, hehe.

Yes, I agree, grinding is not something fun in “general” but this is what makes a progression on a game, and I think developers have a really bad time trying to balance it, I can only imagine if I was a game designer, the headache.

So I think there is a threshold for hardcore/casual play, thats why they put 2x gathering on Officials, and thanks to that the grinding is less painful.

Well, it would be hard to please you indeed, for all those private servers if you havent find one that you like, unless you start your own server with the settings that suit you, I guess there is no other alternative.

Conan Exiles is a hardcore survival, with elements of MMOrpg yes, but its survival, it was built on this criteria, if the devs someday comes to the community and say “ Hey peeps, we are making changes on official servers, you wont loose your stuff anymore at death” , I can safely say to you, that most of the PvP crowd will be so pissed, because everyone that loves PvP and the Conan theme (Hyboria, savage, brutal), would look for another game because this makes no sense at all, being “easy” on a brutal game, you know?

Im not saying everyone are forced to play like this, I understand not everyone that likes PvP want this hardcore, but this is a Conan multiplayer survival game designed exactly for this type of gameplay, so “Conan fans” should expect this, the ones who are not fond of the idea but like the game have other options, and that is private servers.

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