Official server #3514 PvE-Conflict PS5 Bug report

Basic Info:

Platform: PlayStation 5
Issue Type: Crash
Game Mode: Online Official
Server Type: PvE-Conflict
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: Official server #3514 PvE-Conflict

Bug Description:

Loading screen never finishes and game crashes instead

Bug Reproduction:

Trying to log in to server never completes. Game crashes instead

I feel your pain, its been a week now for me, no replies to tickets or even a response, the first page of the forums has 5 topics all of the same issue :frowning: seems like they don’t want to acknowledge it again

It takes a lot of time just to level up to 60. It takes a lot of time farming. It takes a lot of time crafting.

They need to ensure availability and stability of official serves. Hopefully more people can continue reporting so they can notice it’s becoming a big issue. I’ve sent countless PS5 bug reports through PS5 platform.

Same, reported bug and put support tickets in, each one gets auto solved, closed and ignored. Im gonna make sure to keep all these threads alive haha

Login early in the morning worked for now. Something goes wrong throughout the day and servers deny connection

I’ve been getting the infinite loading screen for 4 days now. At this point I can only assume by the time I log back in my bases and the thousands of t3 building materials i spent the time to accumulate will decay. Is there a fix in sight for this?

I’m assuming no since I’ve experience this periodically over the last couple years playing this game.

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Try to login early in the morning around 7-8am

Well I was able to log in. I was able to reset decay timers at least. What I didn’t think about is that when the game lost connection last I was in the process of building my volcano base. So of course my character died of hunger and everything in my inventory is lost. I don’t think it’s worth it to continue playing though because this just keeps happening and hours of gameplay are lost each time. It’s not worth it.

Thanks, Funcom. For refusing to fix issues that have been plaguing this game since I starting playing nearly 2 years ago. Fix your game.

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