Official Servers no longer being serviced?

I just came back to play Conan and it seems the official servers are complete garbage now. Have the devs just stopped messing with Conan altogether now? I see a lot of folks talking about how bad the official servers are with the constant server crashes. I have been on server 1500 for about 4 days and it has crashed more times than any other game I have ever played. Did the developers give up on Conan?

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No, simply officials have never been a priority for them. Private servers and single player is where people are playing at.

The public server I’m on hasn’t crashed. It does a regular restart at 7:10 daily.
funcom doesn’t own the servers.

I was on for what 7 hours yesterday, not one crash.

They might not own the servers themselves but they do have admin rights. Reading all the forums about the servers it appears they all have issues. Battlemetrics show a bunch of issues on all servers some even with 14 hours of down time.

After I just told you I haven’t had issue 1 with the public server I’m on. PVE 1700s.

So not buying that.

Not saying you or anyone else isn’t having issues, I’m saying it’s not as severe or wide spread as you seem to, or have been led to believe it is.

If you’ve seen this forum when there are wide spread issues, looking at it now you can see it’s not wide spread.

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My PVE server was offline today for about 10 mins (if you class that as a crash), then came back on 10 mins later. My server seems stable enough when it is on, max players we get atm is around 20 players and it still seems ok. The only 2 issues i have is the high ping when i first log in (around 250) and sometimes i login and the server is showing as age ??? ping 9999 but to resolve these issues i have to go into a command promt and type ipconfig release/renew, but apart from these minor issues, Im happy with my server

Must be an error on your end, I haven’t experienced this.

Was on my official server for 5 hours with no issues

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Apparently its mainly just server 1500 and a few other PVE servers my mistake. I know its not my end when 14 other people have the same issue with this server. Must be to many PVE builds on the map causing the server to take a dump.

Its definitely not on my end the whole server pop has the same problem. Its gotta be from all the PVE builds this server is loaded down with. They have some pretty nice and interesting builds on this server some very big builds down by the mounds and a really large one north of the Savannah.

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