Oh no no absolutely not

Dear conan exiles please tell me that all of my followers have not been deleted since this update
Because they sure as hell are nowhere and not even on my follower list!

because the amount of hours i have worked into getting them i happily would not want to do again

Please get this fixed


Greetings @TriplefighterHD ,

Can you let us know if this happened on Single-Player, or if it was on a private or official server?

Thank you in advance! :slight_smile:


Greetings again @TriplefighterHD ,

You may disregard the previous message in this thread. Our team is already working on a solution for the issue that led to this situation.

We appreciate your efforts and support!


It was single player :sweat_smile:

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Thank you so much i hope this gets ressolved🙏

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Hello @ZahMaiatt are there still plans for the follower problem?

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