OmniHeckInu's Unofficial Guide to Corruption Builds

Sorcery must be viable option.
I will summon @Kilix in here because in his gameplay he uses sorcery mainly.

I do understand that in pve gaming, sorcery can remain a cool feature, a cool option, but in pvp sorcery must be at least equal. The reason is simple… Sorcery is huge grinding!!!
No matter the methods a pvp player find to grind soul essence and ritual blood as safe as possible, in order to do this many things are in “danger”. A player while grinding thralls for rituals is vulnerable, he-she can be ambushed and loose a lot while grinding sorcery rituals.
So sorcery grinding exposes a pvp player in many dangers. If all this risk has no meaning, no reason, both players and devs loose.
I know that if you want to be “ready” for war in pvp servers you have to find “dead time zones” to grind with peace literally everything. I remember setting my alarm 4:30 in the morning to go and gather sh.t on empty server. If it had other players in this hour, they probably do the same because hopefully i didn’t have raids that early in the morning (24h pvp servers).
Pvp is demanding, especially when you play in clans.
Sorcery gives beautiful solutions other than battle, true, but why not in battle as well?
So yes, full Abyssal armor should give better stamina regen because it is very grinding. Plus an Abyssal sword agility based would be really appreciated. I know that it would seem a bit game breaking to have a summoned agility sword, but it would set free a bit pvp fighting to more careless fights. Not be afraid to loose gives great advantage in fights.
Anyway, i am trying to create a full pve session, a challenging one, that will fully involve all the sorcery spells and only sorcery gear will be available. I really need to do it.
And @erjoh made a good point about a month ago. Demons need a bit buff.