Hey there @tobbiusness, it is great to see other members picking up this issue. I recently made a call for their reintroduction in the testlive feedback thread.
The Age of War would undoubtedly be the most fitting time for crossbows to make their return to Conan Exiles. The current longbows are fun, but crossbows could add some extra diversity, and their own strengths and weaknesses to the ranged combat system. Much like the differwnces between longbows and crossbows in Skyrim. Each has their own place and offers their own unique brand of fun.
I agree with this aspect of your post. Perhaps we could make longbows strength and crossbows agility. However, I politely disagree with this particular aspect of you suggestion:
Hard no from me on this one, and I also think it will make it a hard sell among the community. Consider this for a moment; if we do not need to invest invest a base number of Attribute points to use a war axe, a lance, a warhammer, or for that matter any other weapon in the game, then why should crossbows be the only weapon to bear this restriction. The idea of having to invest a base number of Attribute points to unlock a wall blocking our ability to use in game weapons detracts from the fun. Best to follow the KIS principle I feel (Keep It Simple). And I feel @Tephra has already voiced a sentiment congruent with my own.
More damage but a higher reload time. But I decided to hit ‘like’ in solidarity, because I also really, really want to see them make their return in the Age of War.