Game mode: Online - Private server
Problem: Bug
Region: EU
Let me preface this - I’m a software developer with 20+ years experience, so hopefully this info will be useful to the devs.
I’ve got a private server with myself and my wife in the same clan … the clan tab shows us both as offline when we are both clearly online.
In regards to the purge issue, I’ve tested. If I set the purge settings to require 1 or more players online (tested with values 1 and 2) then we never get a purge - even when the purge meter is full.
If I set the purge settings to require 0 players online the purges happen normally, even when we are both offline.
This tells me that the game is simply not detecting the online/offline state of players correctly.
Steps on how to reproduce issue:
There are two ways to see this issue…
- Create a clan with a bunch of players
- Check the clan tab while any/all of players are online with you
You will see that all are shown as offline.
- Setup a private server - set the purge settings to require 1 player online
- Create a clan on the server
- Do stuff until the purge meter is full - no purge will happen
- Change the server settings to require zero players online - now purge will trigger