Online play restricted cannot connect to funcome servers PC

Cant connect online


I can’t connect either. Tried to reverify and reinstall, reset computer and router. Can’t play right now at all online.

Same here, apparently Funcom Live Services issue, again…

Yes, same here…I was eventually able to get in to my server, but after a few seconds got kicked with “Authentication Failed”.

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Same here

yup can’t log in. Funcom Live Services issue. Here we go again. =/

now we have to wait til tomorow morning for before they get back to work and can fix…

and another one here can’t log in…

Downdetector shows massive spike in reported servers being “down.”

had to happen on my wfh day >:



Can’t log in .

i can’t log in. I’m scared

Same, modded servers and official. It’ll be the link allowing auth. Probably the Steam to Funcom bit. In the past it’s been issues with the cloud provider it’s hosted in. And it’s generally “mostly down”.
So if you abuse your client attempting to connect a LOT, you can usually get online. I have reports of this method working for people right now. It hasn’t worked for me yet. Being cloud provided, it may depend on region as well. But something needs a right kick in’a fork

EDIT: After looking at other posts ion the forums, not so much the steam link. The Funcom side itself must be having issues to impact xbox etc

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