Option to dye hair

Please don’t give trolls more options to troll.
Remember Rust? Remember Ark? Remember Atlas?

Some extra’s will end up making the game worse, especially on official servers.
Its already kinda gross what people run around with the colours on their armour.

I’m not against the idea of having more colours, but it shouldn’t break immersion “too much”, of which colours often do.

That’s ridiculous lol. Ancient civilization and Conan yes had colors on their gear. Clothing. It shouldn’t break immersion anymore than walking down the street. Clothing has always been colorful and flashy and still is. How is dying your gear trolling lol. You people are inaccurate, exaggerating, and incorrect. I’ve played nice but a lot of the things that have been commented do not make sense and are blatantly wrong. It’s become obvious these are opinions and feelings not actual facts or support statements for why colored hair shouldn’t be allowed. The color pink existed before humans did. Humans admire beauty and as nature allowed we harnessed these wonderful things for ourselves. Hair color is not offense unless you are at a catholic school. Clothing being colored something other than white and brown is not offensive either. It’s natural. There is not one single ancient tribe that skinned and animal and just stuck the skin on their body. They braided and embroidered and beaded and dyed and sewed and layered. Idk what you all are actually talking about. It doesn’t make sense in a real life facet or in the Conan world to say colors are not part of lore or immersion. I’ve never seen a witch queen or sorceress or crowned empire overlord wearing a deer skin buttflap. In a game, real life history, or anything else.

Tell me if its not game breaking players running around in hot pink, bright blue, lime green, and lemon yellow all just to mock other players and trying to be funny and hidious.

Since we have this already… maybe some hot pink hair doesn’t matter anymore…

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I’m not sure how them wearing lime green is mocking anyone or trolling anyone. I think they just like green…
I also do not think they’re trying to be hideous that’s just your opinion actually. I believe they like the way they look. Same as you like the way neutral colors look and they probably find that hideous also.

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If that were true, but nope its more like this: Hot pink pants, lime green chest, hot red gloves, bright blue shoes, and lemon yellow helmet.

And to top it all up, they’re usually against lgbtq, so its not like they wanna make a colourdul statement :')
Its purely mockery or other players or trying to be funny.

Besides, its not only the colours, they troll, being toxic, to top it all up they use bad colour combinations to look the part too.

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Honestly I don’t have a problem with it, I’m all for customisation.

Yes, there will be those that’ll run around looking like TV Colour bars , or neon cyber punks, but that’s the price you pay for playing with others…

At least you’ll see them coming… :upside_down_face:

I mean it doesn’t seem to have harmed Wak any… :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yea that actually sounds more directed at the lgbtq than trying to troll players but it is also possible they just actually are lgbtq lol. Kinda funny imo.

Can we note that lgbtq communities did not exist during this time period so they shouldn’t be allowed in the game? Lmfao. :thinking: orr is that not the same lol. I do believe there were some at least one gay character that passed through the lore if only briefly though. Just a fun fact for anyone who cares.

I don’t think you understood what I said :+1:t2:

I did. They’re dying their gear ugly mismatched colors to mock the rainbow tribe for being lgbtq and that still is not a reason for colors to not be added to the game or hair color. Can’t see gay people being offended by the colors but the player themself maybe. Actually just sounds Like a few toxic players on your server and you guys should have filed a report if it was that big of an issue. Kinda sounds like some players need to find a new game if their feelings are going to be hurt over someone’s gear choice. This is a barbaric world setting after all. Even the gays of this world would have been able to compose themself in the face of colored gear. And not many barbarians would really care how you feel about their clothes lol.

Not a valid reason why dyes and hair color shouldn’t be added. That’s one person in one situation and shouldn’t prevent everyone else from enjoying it. Also this was originally about dying hair lol but everyone went so crazy on this post that it turned into a philosophy book. Lol

All I’m saying it depends on the colour
Conan Exiles is a fantasy world which has a little bit of realism.

I don’t think having hot pink hair or lime green hair has a place in this world.

However since the example from before they’re already part of armour colours and everyone should do whatever they please, having these as hair colours can’t really harm it more as is (although I doubt colours like these were common back then).

Its just my opinion the reason why I think its not the best option in this game.

I don’t really care about who’s against and not against lgtbq, I just mentioned it because they using mismatched colours is not because of that, but to be funny like every troll and griefer think they’re funny, so lets not dive in the lgtbq subject to much.

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Yea I’m also responding to other people off of your comments or whoever commented last so I’m not trying to direct all my statements at you either. I’m also not upset or against lgbtq it was to prove a point because people keep saying they didn’t dye their hair during this time period so it shouldn’t be allowed but that’s actually false either way. And I actually do agree to some extent about the neon colors although it wouldn’t ruin or break the game for me either and it they were added i would use them. I do understand why many people wouldn’t want them in the game.

How about we revamp the old colors as suggested above somewhere and/or only allow the muted and dark versions as dye.

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Tbh I would have agreed with that until they changed the whole dying system now you can have lime green flourscent armor.

given they changed the direction on that (which is not something I even agree on) I dont see why you couldnt dye your hair all colours with vibrance.

for historical context while you are unlikely to find bright purple the Iceni would dye and spike their hair bright white with lime

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Neanderthals used RED. Yes this is a thing.


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