Please consider restore the possibility of crafting DLB and bazaar items for others. I am skeptical that this is a significant portion of revenue. I enjoy being the person being the one with all the recipes, who can craft the “cool” stuff for others. Please consider giving people the ability to use items given to them, regardless of whether they have the item knowledge in their account. Thank you.
@Dogoegma the actual dlcs pre 3.0 I think you can still share it is the new Bazaar items and one’s from battle Pass, you can not
I have Conan sword from pre order that can be shared. Alot of people have issues with this especially pvp people kill someone can not use the gear doubt Funcom will change it gets into their revenue stream. I can see it from both sides doesn’t mean I like it
I would agree if not for the fact that the revenue is trivial from requiring people buy bazaar items to equip them. Worse, the revenue is zero for old battlepass content. However, there is a small increase in QoL, for the most dedicated fans. In my mind it is clearly in Funcom’s interest to support the policy I propose.
Totally agree with you. If no one has no way to get those “ancient” recipes from previous chapters then it would be ok to make crafted items usable for all players who put their hands on them. By the way it could make PVP duels and raids more rewarding if one could get unique loot from them (not speaking of trading items on PVE servers).
Sometime ago before construction hammer. We could craft building pieces and store them. Anyone could use that.
True, but one can still get that by hiring out those with the recipes (ie temporarily inviting the person into the clan to build and/or repair).
Since this is simply an aesthetic choice, this doesn’t really count as pay-to-win.
I can’t sell Bob content if you make it for him. Simple as that. You may not think it adds revenue but if it just gets one more person to buy it, that is revenue.
Weirdly, my partner and I ran into an issue with this the other day. I have the Savage Frontier set, he does not. I crafted him some Pictish armor pieces but he was unable to use them in the thaumaturgy bench to cast an illusion on his armor. I was able to do the illusion for him and then he could wear the pieces (and repair them after) but the illusion itself required me to complete.
It is not that I think it isn’t revenue, it is. The issue is that the amount is negligible. When you compare retaining one loyal customer over the possible purchase of something from the bazaar or dlc when an attempted share doesn’t go through, it really isn’t a contest. It is far more likely to lose the revenue that a loyal customer would have generated by letting them share, over the very slim possibility of an extra purchase of a nonfan just to be able to use an item that belongs to a fan.
Right now they are losing revenue do to the way over priced bazaar, doesn’t seem to be a motivator.
None the less they are looking at new revenue, new players coming in. The people that would buy the DLCs that are playing now, have. So older core players are not counted on for revenue from older DLCs. If new players want the neat building styles they will have to buy the DLC because those items can’t just be given too them. As far as weapons and armor, since the player can’t repair armor and weapons that they don’t have the DLC for, they are a loan at best.
But the situation involving weapons and armor, also translates to building materials.
Further, there are a lot of veteran players who buy bazaar items. Those who make a purchase are more likely to make another, this is basic cash shop marketing 101. Those of use that make a purchase from the bazaar or from a DLC, are far more likely to make another purchase than a random newbie, just based on statistics and probability.
My wife and I have all the old DLC so I can not test it just the Conan sword that I have given to multiple people just a couple days ago on one of our server’s
It’s only logical that this option is not viable, because it would mess up with people actually paying for the bazaar content. Imagine, that on each server there would be few people giving away bazaar items for which people should pay, so there is a reason to create new content.
They would lose customers and income with this.
My friend also have atlantean sword and royal armor. Yes, it can be shared, but i can’t use armor pieces for illusion.
Not really. There simply isn’t enough coordination for that to be a major risk. Further, to repair that gear/building, you need the person with legit access to the item. Hence there is actually a big incentive for people to get the pack. Indeed, it would probably drive up sales.
It’s not about bazaar content, it’s about previous Battle Passes content. With the Bazaar there is some chance to get things rotated and sold again and again for years. Previous BP items are gone for good and there will be no revenue from them any more. But BP would be way more attractive for players if they could share crafted BP items with their clanmates ingame.
i think skins (gear) must be lootable\usable for every1.
But, only owning them give you the ability to drop, craft, repair, infuse, place it.
I do not see any abuses in this.
-If some1 manage to loot sword skin with minimum durability which he does not own what bad gonna happen? Its only good for couple of fights, recycling or storage anyways. Cant do much with that.
-What else? Pets (with skins) are manageable for every clan member.
-Mounts? Well thats the issue.
-Placeables, building parts and decor? You cant craft it anyway without owning them.
The other really annoying thing is that shared accounts have the same access for DLC but not for Bazaar/Battle Pass items.
Oh I’m very pessimist they are gone for good. I’ve a feeling once the age of sorcery is over we’ll see some repackaging, offering sets of items. Like 6 sorcerer placables.
Oh, well so with this I agree, it’s not “that” serious. But still this could end up like “not buying BP in this chapter, my brother already got it and he will craft anything for me, so why bother”.
I feel the same with the twitch drop stuff, tbh. it’s not fair I can catch wild hare, but can’t do anything with him, because without the twitch fodder I can’t make a proper pet from the youngling.