Our interactive map has also received an update for 2.4. The map has over 4500 locations and new ones are added daily. If you know missing locations then you can report them via the map (right mouse button) or discord.
Lunatics reach Cormag and Oyvind both fighters.
Marcos, named archer, someone on map said named alch but i missed it. Lunatics
Oh, and love your map <3
That’s nice, love the interactive maps !
Missing Duskholme POI at E6 around -243000, 238000
The Nook (the stygian camp inside a cave) in 6K has the stygian banner, and can spawn 2 different blacksmiths T4, and taskmaster T4.
Rave in the Ruble (accursed camp between 5G/5H) has 100% spawn for T4 priest and a chance to spawn all accursed T4 fighters/archers.
Thanks for all your work.
Got Angh of Shem, Blademaster smith today at the New Kemhi Docks.
Agree, the Ruble is a good place to get thralls and also stuff.
The shields are great to melt dismantle once you have all you need to. But unfortunately, no T4 armorer around there nor.
Anyone else unable to get the Watchtower location at I9?
This location is currently bugged SouthEast Watchtower Location Bug?
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