Basic Info:
Platform: Steam
Issue Type: Gameplay
Game Mode: Single Player
Server Type: PvP
Map: Exiled Lands
Server Name: solo
Mods: Emberlight, Amunet’s Curiostiy and Exploration, Savage Wilds, Devious Desires, Navis Extended Leveling, Stun Bow, Improved Quality of Life, No UI popup for Decors and Stations, Thralls Are Alive, Shimas Compendium, Reliable Meteor Showers, Orero’s Dungeon Overhauls, Commando, Xevyr’s Hearthstone Mod, Mystical Travel Shelf (by Xevyr), MAC’s Glowing Notes and Journals, Armor and Weapon Stats in Bench - AWS, JAS: Juvila and Agony’s Salon, IMMERSIVE ARTISANS, Akuba’s Salon, Male New Faces, The Purge Mod (by Xevyr), +1 Follower
Bug Description:
After you build up to a certain amount, all ceiling pieces return the message “Cannot place while overlapping another object”, even when I start a new solo game on a new map.
This occurs even on new structures away from the main building and even new solo save games; once it occurs on the Savage Wilds, it affects new games started on the Exiled Lands. (I was so angry that I couldn’t even complete the tutorial Journey to place a ceiling piece on a sandstone hut!)
The only way I’ve found to reset it is to uninstall and reinstall, but then it ineveitably happens again. I’ve tried uninstalling the game, deleting any remaining Conan Exiles files from the Steamapp folder, and then reinstalling even to a different drive on my PC, but this bug reliably comes back.
I only play solo. I’m sure it’s in one of the above listed mods, but I don’t have the time to test them all. I love this game, 3k hours played, bought all the DLCs & battlepasses, the Royal Armor from pre-order, and now I can’t build a second floor or roof on anything. Any help in how to efficiently test and fix this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Bug Reproduction:
I build more than 100 items, then try to put a ceiling piece literally anywhere.
Umm… not to be rude, but despite the obvious contradiction between the above 2 quotes… what exactly is the expectation here?
That the Funcom developers download all of the mods on your specific modlist and then proceed to play the game until it breaks for them as well?
It takes less time to make a backup of your savegame (game.db for EL) and remove half the mods at a time, always leaving in half of the broken half until you narrow it down to the one causing it, than actually reinstalling the game. It’s like 4 restarts
So if you’re sure one of the mods causes this, then just troubleshoot them.
(Besides, Funcom doesn’t accept any bug report that’s from a modded game as it’s the responsibility of the users to make sure they use working mods)
Other than this though what I can suggest blindly is to try is unequip ALL equipment from your character (armor / weapons / accessories / etc.) and try again. Some equipment might be creating an invisible field around your character that is overlapping with the building piece.
If the above equipment test fails, I would probably try removing Immersive artisans first and perhaps devious desires to test.
I can also confirm that it’s definitely none of the mods on your list made by me, so you can eliminate those. (I know what they do and they don’t interfere with this, plus I’m using them as well).
To the snarky parts, I’ll offer that I asked for ADVICE ON THE MOST EFFICIENT way of testing the listed mods. I have a full-time job, man. Sure I have 3000 hours, but that’s since 2017. Half of the mod I use are yours, so if someone posted “Oh yeah, check mods by Xevyr” I could check those first and save some time.
I do not expect the Funcom Devs to do anything. I’m reporting a problem and seeing if kind people like yourself can offer advice so that I can test on my own and report more info.
I appreciate the info about making a backup of my save game (game.db for EL.) As I’m sure you read in this post’s title, this bug moves from one map to another so which file do I backup to test for that? Also, Funcom doesn’t have to accept this bug report from a modded game. I just ask that knowledgeable people point me in the right direction. (Perhaps I should have gone to Reddit instead?)
Thank you for the suggestion of removing equipment. I tried that but still had the same issue. Thank you for suggesting I eliminate mods made by you. Your assurance is vague, but the “what they do and they don’t interfere with…” is exactly why I made this post here, to help me narrow down my own testing.
I don’t want anyone to do anything for me. I want to play the game I spend money on. I’ll test it and get it to wok with these mods if I can, but if I can’t get it to work and the mod makers are admittedly rude in their “help” it can get frustrating. Thanks anyway.
Turn off all mods, and then enable them one at a time until the problem persists, then you found your culprit. You get plenty of time to do this as you obviously have time to play. When you mod, you choose to dedicate playtime to mod troubleshooting. Its just what you have to do.
As for snarkiness, you’re likely getting the nicest response you will get from Xevyr here. Modders dedicate their time and resources (some spend upwards to 5 figures for hardware and resources). And they get a little perturbed hearing many of the same issues over and over when basic troubleshooting methods would fix or identify the issue.
Those were there, because you posted something in the bug report section that comes across as “I’m using all these mods, but I can’t be bothered to troubleshoot since I don’t have time”
The purpose of this section of the forums is so that customer service staff members of Funcom can see the reported bugs so that they can log them in their internal bug tracker system once it passes initial checks and they’re fairly sure it’s something that needs to be logged. Hence why they only take bug reports that can be reproduced in the unmodded game.
Now if you didn’t know that and instead were just looking for advice, then that’s a different story.
The purpose of the backup is not related to that. I just gave you an example as to what the database name is for Exiled Lands, in case you didn’t know. Siptah will have a different save database and Savage Wilds yet again will have a different one.
They’re all stored in the ConanSandbox\Saved\ folder of your game installation (right-click in Steam: Manage → Browse local files)
The reason I suggested the backup though was only for this troubleshooting session - so you should make a backup for the database of whichever map you’re playing on right now. Why? because unloading certain mods (like building sets etc.) will cause irreversible destruction of your bases or other issues.
Because of this when troubleshooting mods, you would typically make a backup at the start… and once you’re done and correctly identified any problematic mods and have your final modlist, you would simply place back the backup you made, to reverse any potential damage done during troubleshooting.
No, my assurance was a 100% guarantee that this issue will not be caused by any of my mods on your list You are more than welcome to test them, but I figured I would save you some time.
I did tell you exactly that…
The most efficient way of troubleshooting mod related issues is to do exactly what I told you to do above
But I can elaborate on it in detail again in the form of a list should you wish… Here you go:
Make a backup of the save game that you’re going to be testing on so you can restore this backup when you’re done
Go to ConanSandbox\Mods and make a backup copy of the modlist.txt file, then open it up in notepad. This file contains the list of mods that your game will load up with - the launcher merely edits this list, so you don’t need to bother with the launcher, as it’s much faster working with text.
Open a second empty notepad and Cut + Paste half of the modlist.txt into this for temporary storage
Save your modlist.txt now that you eliminated half the mods and start up the game by hitting Continue on the launcher (it will only load the most left in the text file)
Test to see if the problem has been fixed… If it has been fixed, it means that the problematic mod is among the ones you removed… that also means all your current mods don’t cause this issue…
Because of the above, move the contents of your modlist to the temporary notepad and paste back only HALF of the ones you removed the first time. (we’re always using half of the half, keeping in the section that had the problem)
Using this method you will always eliminate half of your modlist per restart, so it’s very easy to narrow it down to just 1-2 final mods even if you started with a gigantic modlist. Example: 80 mods… First game load has 40… second 20… third… 10… fourth 5… and from there you can pretty much guess based on the remaining ones.
Finally, once you identified the problematic mod, restore your modlist and if you want remove that one mod from the list or contact the author and tell them about the issue.
Restore your savegame from the backup you made at the start.
Good luck.
I was mainly annoyed by the “I don’t have time” part and then posting it as a bug report - but they might have not been aware how bug reports on the forum work.
Thank you for your clarification. Steps 3-7 will be most helpful, I hope.
Doing a backup seems pointless for a fresh install. I have an 17x17 area on SW that I couldn’t put roofs on and only got up to the “place a ceiling” Journey step on EL.
The fact that this was first posted as a bug report with no mods is linked in my original post. The bug report template asks what mods I am using, so I listed them. Maybe that area of the template should specify that listing any mods makes the bug report…less?
But you are right, I do not come to these forums often. I have no need to when things work, and after 2 weekends of not getting to play and trying to figure it out one mod at a time, then building a bit, then going back to encounter it again, I was hot about it. I came here through a google search - again, the same link in my original post - and sought to add that I’m having the same experience, and fill out the template correctly.
I’m back at work so I’ll try the steps listed next week when I get back home and hopefully figure it out.
The problem described has nothing to do with mods. I dont use ANY of the mods listed, and as I make mods myself, I ALWAYS test any problem I have in a fresh install without mods in a second machine I have here.
After using the building hammer, it takes a time, on certain areas, to get “phantom” and then you cant interact with anything, cant build, and all the building pieces will respond without proper attachment and say “overlapping” or “no attachment” errors.
After that happens, the game gets unplayable until restarting it.
This is directly tied to a “fix” they made for that problem which has nothing to do with the fix they tried, the server problem arising of devs not knowing how to properly work with async loading. They are going all over the place, without addressing the actual cause of the problem.